Cheater, cheater...

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Sasha got in the car, sighing. "Now what?"

"Do you really think I will tell you?" The guy asked her.

"No." She replied, rubbing her eyes. She was really fighting her sleepiness.

"Having trouble staying awake?" He laughed at her.

"Yes, make fun of me all that you want." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"This will help you wake up." He then started driving, and suddenly, sped up, which definitely woke Sasha up.

"Have you gone mad?" She yelled at him.

"Hey, you're awake now." He mocked her.

"Stop it, we will die!" She held her chest, and felt her heart racing. He just kept on laughing.
"We ran that light!"

"Relax, you're really too good." Yet he slowed down noticeably.

"Thank you." Her breathing rate was finally calming down.

"Hey, I'm telling you a secret, promise to keep it." The boy declared.

"Why would you?" She questioned him.

"You're funny, and brave, I can tell." He confessed.

"Oh, really? My kidnapper is actually being nice to me?" She laughed, not believing her situation.

"Wait, I'm not actually kidnapping you." He explained. "I'm just driving you somewhere, you'll see."

"Hmm... I smell a lie." She playfully glared at him. 'Why in the world am I even talking to him so calmly, or even joking with him?' She thought. But he had a good feeling to him; he almost seemed trustworthy.

They kept talking for the rest of the way, just more calmly. Sasha didn't even notice when they got to their destination. "We're here. Let's go, there's someone who wanted to see you."

"Someone who wanted to see me?" She was shocked. She thought it was something else, but definitely not that. Her palms got sweaty, and her heartbeat rose up.

The boy led her to a house, she didn't exactly know their actual location, which she deeply regretted. That could be really useful. Before they entered, she stopped him.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." She confessed.

"Go ahead." He replied.

"I know you won't tell me, but, have I seen you before? Because you seem very familiar." She asked.

He sighed. "You really have me spilling all the things supposed to be secret. You're lucky I like you."

"So?" She pressed him; she was very curious, and also wanted to know who she was dealing with.

"Yes. At least I know I saw you at John's party."
He explained. "Oh, and we talked, I don't know if you remember that."

"Oh, I do remember now. It was some time ago." She said.

"Sasha, we should go inside." He reminded her.   They started walking, her mind full of thoughts. 'Who's inside? And what will they do to me?'

The house was quiet normal. She expected it to be sketchy  inside, even thought on the outside it was very nice and welcoming. The guy led her through a hall, and stopped in front of the last door, at the end of it.

"Nothing bad will happen to you, so don't worry about that." The boy comforted her, and she believed him, even thought she knew it wasn't logical.

He slowly opened the door, and greeted the person who was inside. Sasha heard him before  seeing him, and it caused chills to go down her spine.

It was Jace.

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