Heartbreak Hotline

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"Sasha!" Delilah exclaimed. "Where have you been all this week?" It was time for their summer vacations. They finally finished a though school year successfully, even thought Sasha had been clearly occupied with all these club meetings, or her little spy tasks.

"Oh, I was just having some club meetings, you know, though week." She answered. There was a look of worry on her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Delilah asked, sensing her nervousness.

"Actually, we need to talk..." Sasha confessed.

"Okay, let's go seat." They were currently at Delilah's house. Sasha was really missing her best friend, so she decided to visit her. "Now, you can spill it."

"So... you know I told you about Jace, right?"
She started. They already had a full conversation about the pros and cons of dating him; thankfully, Delilah finally approved of their relationship, which Sasha predicted was gonna happen. Jace was a very nice guy once you got to know him.

"Yeah. Did you fight or something?" Delilah supposed, but she wasn't guessing right...

"No, actually we're so good." She smiled, unconsciously, which Delilah noticed. Yet she stayed quiet, letting her friend enjoy her feelings. "It's just that..."

"Hey, you can say it." She comforted  her. "Don't worry. It's okay."

"He wants me to join the Bloodwings." She blurted out, then let out a sigh.

Calmly, Delilah replied, "Will you?"

"Yes." Sasha quickly responded, without thinking. "I will."

Heidi and Inna were currently at their clubhouse, waiting for everyone to arrive. Today was their turn to open and close the place.

"It feels weird to be here again." Inna said, suddenly. She had been out for a long time.

"Weird? I thought you would say it was nice, or familiar." Heidi stated, confused.

"Well, it's nice and familiar, too." She declared. "But I've been thinking, what if my life was different?"

"Are you planning on dropping the gang?" She questioned her.

"I don't know. Maybe." She paused. "I want to explore new horizons, you know."

"I understand. And you know what?" She sighed. "It would definitely be nice."

Delilah was sitting near her window, when she saw two familiar faces on the street. Cole and Inna were in the middle of the street, having a huge discussion. Since Delilah had been so abstracted in her thoughts, she had just now noticed it all. Inna was about to slap Cole, but he grabbed her hand mid-air. He held her shoulders, and looked at her. Inna started crying. Cole's face changed, it softened. He realized he was screaming at her, which clearly altered Inna. He whispered to her, then took her into a warm embrace. 'What's going on?' Delilah thought. 'Why are they even on my street? Do they live here?'

Her questions were soon gonna be answered, as the two had disappeared. Suddenly, someone ringed her doorbell. 'It can't be...' She was hoping with all her might it wasn't them.

"Honey, two friends are looking for you!" Her mother exclaimed, from the stairs. She had opened the door, and was confused at first, but she supposed they were school friends wer mother didn't knew. "I let them in."

'What?' Her heartbeat went wild, as she waited for them to arrive. She planned on approaching them before they got upstairs, but she was frozen. Her door slowly opened.

"Hi, Delilah." Inna greeted, shyly.

"Hello." Cole waved at her.

"H-hi..." Delilah felt a lump forming on her throat. She could barely speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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