Phoenix Bloodwings

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"Delilah!" Sasha exclaimed," I have to tell you what happened yesterday!"

"Jordan already told me." She said,"It was crazy. You could have gotten hurt." She shook her head in disapproval.

"Well, I didn't." Sasha replied.

"I don't approve of this, as your best friend, but I trust you." Delilah explained, "Just be careful."

"I will." Sasha said, with a smile.

She said she would, so she did. She tried to avoid going to most meetings, convinced not only by Delilah, but because of her own fear, which River noticed.

"Sasha!" He called out. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yes." She simply responded, a little bit worried. Clearly, she was thinking something bad would happen.

" Why aren't you going to our meetings?" River asked. He also noticed Sasha seemed a bit distant.

"Homework." She lied, instantly regretting it. He wouldn't believe it, obviously.

"Yeah, sure." He said. "Is it because of what happened that day?"

"Maybe..." She replied, unusually shy. She didn't want people thinking she was a coward. She looked back at River, who was smiling at her.

"Hey, it's alright." He assured her, "We wouldn't let anyone hurt you."

"That's so sweet of you to say." She said, with a smile. "You need to be like this more often."

"If you say so." He got closer to her as he spoke. He reached out and hugged her, stroking her hair. "I have another thing to tell you."

"I'm listening." She replied.

He looked at her intently, which made Sasha blush. He held her hands, then spoke softly. "I am not one to express my feelings or anything, but it's easy to say this to you." He continued, "Sasha, I really like you, and I was unsure of asking you, but, will you be my girlfriend?"

Sasha took her time, then said, "Yes, gladly." She flashed him a smile. "So, River, how does it feel to have such a beautiful company to all your events?"

"I see what you're doing, you little devil. Self- inviting is bad." He laughed at her.

"Hey! That's what I do best." She pretended to be mad at him, but failed, and laughed at the situation.

"You're so silly." He mocked her.

"But you like me like that." She winked at him. Both laughed.

River walked up towards Sasha, grabbed her by the waist, and kissed her. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

"Let's be crazy together." Sasha whispered.

"Let's be." He whispered back, grinning at her.
Sasha wasn't one to keep secrets, she always told her best friend and her family whatever happened to her. But for some reason, some dumb reason, she didn't this time. The real reason she didn't want to attend gang parties was because of an incident which happened at the last party. Jace, the rival gang leader, had some words for Sasha. He pulled her into a corner and whispered in her ear, "Be careful with what you do, princess. I'm watching you." Then, he disappeared into the crowd. She was left just standing there, heart racing. That night, she even dreamed of him. He was set on not leaving her mind.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Delilah asked Sasha, who was staring into the horizon; her mind was busy debating whether to tell her secret or keep it to her. For now, she decided the latter. "What are you thinking of?"

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