Truth hurts

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"Delilah!" Sasha shouted from across the room.

"Sasha, is everything okay?" Asked Delilah.

"Not really, I have something  to tell you." Sasha declared.

"Bad news?" Delilah predicted.

"Mhmm." Sasha responded, nervous. Her eyes scanned the room, as if to check if anyone was listening.

"So, what is it?" Delilah already saw the worst coming, but she wasn't that really shocked by the answer...

"I don't know how to say it..." Sasha was delaying her confession as much as she could; she was scared of what Delilah would think.

"It's okay, I'll support you no matter what." Delilah comforted her.

"I joined the gang..." Sasha confessed, looking down.

"You did what?" Delilah screamed. "I can't believe it!"

"Hey, it's really not that bad..."

"Not that bad? You might get arrested, or even killed! How is it not that bad?"

"Hey, you're exaggerating." Answered Sasha.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Like, at all." Delilah paused. "But I trust you, and I know you'll be fine, at least for now."

"Thanks for understanding, I really appreciate it." Sasha smiled.

"That's what friends do. Even if I hate your decisions." Delilah laughed a little. "This is crazy."

"I know." Sasha responded, hugging her friend. She was happy she had such a good friend to support her.

That night, Sasha, Jordan, and River decided to go out and have some fun.
They went to a club member's party, which was absolutely crowded. It was almost impossible to move across the room, but they somehow managed to do so.

"Hey!" Shouted Zach, the party's host, over the loud music. "I'm glad you came. You took so long."

"Yeah, but I'm not to blame." Said River, pointing at Sasha, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"So what, you're gonna sue me?" She replied jokingly. The boys laughed at her witty response.

"I will gladly do so." Joked Zach. Sasha smiled at him.

Later, while they were dancing, Sasha excused herself to go to the bathroom. Before she could enter, she heard two girls arguing about whether they should attack directly or discreetly. Immediately, she went back to tell the boys they were under attack. Seth immediately ordered for all the doors to be guarded, so that nobody entered or went out. Also, he sent the girls to check any odd behavior and the others to lock the two girls on the bathroom. Then, he went to see if he could find any rival gang member on the party. The plan went unnoticed by the other people at the party. But they didn't know some of the rival gang's members actually noticed what they were doing; they had an eye on them for a long time. Since the girls couldn't go with the plan, they went directly at their rivals.

"Long time no see." Said Jace, the rival gang's leader, placing a knife on Seth's throat.

"I see you found your way around, even thought  I warned you to stay away from us." Seth responded. "Wanna get killed?"

"That's what I was gonna ask you. You're the one that has to go." Jace replied.

"What are you here for?" River interrupts, glaring at Jace.

"To get rid of you, clearly." He quickly responded. "And that will be easy."

Heidi, part of the opposite gang, proceeded to point River with a gun. By  that time, the rest of the gang was around the area, watching. They silently waited until the order was given to attack. And then, it happened.
Suddenly, Heidi fell to the floor. Rosalie had knocked her down from behind, quickly grabbing the gun. She pointed it at Jace.

"That was quick." He said. "Didn't knew you were actually useful." He smirked at Rosalie. She intently glared at him.

"I will give you five minutes to go or else we'll shoot." Said Seth, looking at Jace.

"Really wanna do that with so much innocent people?" Asked Heidi. "Didn't know you were that kind of person."

"I do what I have to do to protect my friends, unlike you." He responded.

"This isn't the end, you know right?" Asked Jace. "This is just the start."

"Yeah, but this is your second warning. Don't  mess with us." Replied Seth.

Then, Jace and his gang left the place. Just like that. But still, what he said was true. That was just the start...

"Delilah, let's go watch a movie." Said Claudia, her sister.

"That sounds good." Delilah responded. She got up, grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

The sisters were now closer than ever, since Sasha's death. It was a terrible moment for Delilah, but gladly she had her family's support, especially her sister's help. She knew she had a shoulder to cry on, always.

"Hey, isn't that Nadia?" Asked Claudia.

"Yeah, let's go talk to her." Replied Delilah, happy to see her. Nadia was a good friend; she was always with her, in the good and the bad situations. She was her support, someone to count on.

"Nadia! How are you? Long time no see." Exclaimed Delilah, standing in front of her.

"Hi! It's so good to see you." She smiled sweetly, glad to have a friend like Delilah.

They talked for some time, then decided to go see the movie together.
And what a wonderful day that was for them. It made Delilah forget all about the past, which was good progress for her. She needed to heal her heart, and that takes time. But it's achievable, specially with the help of your friends and family. Everything seemed to be getting bright, especially after the rough time that was the death of an innocent girl.

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