Guns and roses

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"Sasha!" Delilah shouted. "I'm here. Let's go!"

Saha sighed. She grabbed her purse and quickly headed downstairs. "Here I am."

"Finally. You took a long time getting ready. As always." Delilah laughed a little.

"I gotta look good. Always." They both smiled.
"So, are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Delilah assured, as she walked outside.

They were heading out to get dinner. It was a tradition for them to go out every Thursday. No matter what. That was a rule of their friendship.

"Hey, isn't that Jordan? From the Fight Club?" Delilah asked. Eyeing him up and down. They were outside the mall.

"Yeah. Do you like him?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"You're checking him out." Sasha stated, with a grin on her face.

"No, no. I just realized he is with a very peculiar group..." Delilah said, her voice suddenly lowering.

"I see that. Why should it matter to us?" Sasha asked.

"Umm..., because he may be a criminal, from what we know!" Delilah exclaimed, giving her a 'isn't it obvious' look.

"You're only assuming that. You don't really know. Besides, they are probably just his friends. Don't be so dramatic!" She defended.

"Ahh, you got me. That's true. But I'll still keep an eye out for him." Delilah affirmed. She liked to be very careful with the people she was around, yet she trusted them, until they gave her a reason not to.

"Yes. Now, let's go. I'm hungry." Sasha protested, pouting.

"You always are." Both girls laughed.


"Sasha." River approached her. A week had passed, and with that, the first four classes. But it was time enough for them to get closer. "What are you doing this Friday?"

"Hmm... I think I'm not busy." Sasha gave him a smile.

"Great. Is it too soon to ask you on a date?" He asked, not showing any nervousness at all. He was always confident. Or at least that's what he showed everyone.

"For other girls, it may be too soon." She paused. "But not for me." He was the one to smile this time.

"I'll pick you up at seven." River stated.

"Okay. Fine with me." She said. "See you then."

As he left, she ran to where Delilah was; only to find her talking to Jordan. When she registered Sasha's presence, she excused herself and went up to her.

"Hello." She waved.

"It's me." Both girls laughed. "You were talking to Jordan."

"Yeah." Was her only answer.

"You like him? Or are you trying to take out information from him?" Sasha asked, curious.

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