Chapter 22

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The day was dreary, much like how Calum felt on the inside. He felt terrible and all he wanted to do was frown and watch sappy love-drama's or eat ice cream, for some odd reason. He didn't like it at all, especially because he had to keep faking smiles for Aiden. One sad frown and the boy would be all over him, sad too. And if anything brought Calum down even more, it would be a sad Aiden.

"Daddy!" Said boy yelled out, a soft thump sounding from his room, before feet were padding down the hallway. Calum looked up curiously, waiting for the little boy to make his appearance. He soon did, giggling as he ran at his dad and clung to his legs. "Done!"

"Let me have a good look first bub." Calum spoke, slightly teasing, as he waited for the boy to let go. Aiden soon did and stepped back, showing off his outfit, which he had pulled on all by himself. Calum smiled proudly, ignoring the fact his socks weren't matching and pulling the little boy into a hug. "Very well done. I'm proud of you."

"Thank Daddy." The boy mumbled, his smile sensible against Calum's skin. He rubbed the boy's back lightly, before letting go. He got back up and picked up the boy's shoes, holding them out. "Now these."

Aiden whined, pulling them on before looking at his dad with a pout. He couldn't tie them properly himself yet, having tried multiple times but so far failing. Calum told him it would come by time and Aiden believed his dad, still continuing to try whenever the man wouldn't see. Calum knew, but he didn't comment on it, wanting Aiden to do it as he pleased.

"I'm sure Michael will love your shirt, bub. Did you choose it on purpose?" Calum poked the boy's belly softly and playfully, smiling at the soft giggle he got before he focused on tying the laces together. "Yes. But also like."

Finishing with the boy's shoelaces, Calum got back up and took in how adorable the boy looked in the band shirt Michael had gotten him. Apparently it was a tradition in the Clifford-Hemmings household to give the kids a little present too, whenever someone had their birthday. And considering it had been Michael's birthday and the man apparently saw Aiden as his family, in some way, he had given the boy a band shirt. Calum had rolled his eyes, but smiled, finding the gift very typically Michael.

That day Calum had also finally met the other dad, Luke. It had been slightly odd and Luke had been slightly rude first, apparently seeing Calum as some kind of threat to his relationship with Michael. But all that was cleared up when Luke had overheard Michael's teasing about a certain travel guide and the blond had sheepishly apologised to the dark haired male. And even if Michael hadn't been there when Luke basically confessed he still felt something for Michael, Calum obviously was and he was more than glad to hear his best friend's feelings were reciprocated.

Today Calum was just bringing Aiden by Michael's for a playdate with Aries, so he could talk to the still bleached blond male. He had been needing that for a while and considering both their slightly busy work-schedules, they hadn't had an earlier opportunity. And if there was anything Calum needed right then, it was to talk to someone. Vent. Let all his emotions out.

Driving the car with an excited, bouncing kid next to you was something Calum would never really get used to. He loved it though, considering he loved seeing Aiden happy and especially this happy. The boy hadn't seen his newest best friend in a while and obviously that made him even more excited. Even if Calum was quite convinced the boy would always be this excited when going to see his 'bestest friend' (his own words).

"There yet?" Aiden asked happily, smiling wide and looking out the side and front window in the hopes to spot the insanely big house that was Michael's. It wasn't too crazy, but to Calum, it was insanely big. After all, Calum lived in a small apartment for now and thus to him, basically anything was big.

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