Chapter 6

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It was a beautiful day, just like the day before and the day of the arrival and Calum was happy. He had booked the cycle-trip and it wouldn't be much interesting if it was going to be bad weather. He was pretty excited, not sure what he had to expect, but still very much excited.

"Daddy, we see Ari?" Aiden asked his dad, as they were walking to the bike-rental near the hotel. The travel guide had pointed it all out, how to easily get there, making Calum thankful that he listened during the explanation. Of course it was also in the small envelope with information he had gotten, but if he was honest, he was pretty shitty when it came to reading a map.

"I don't know, bub." Calum answered, rubbing his thumb over the back of the boy's small hand. He spotted the small white building, it's bright orange letters making it obvious that that was the bike rental place. It also wasn't that hard to recognise the curly haired travel guide in front of the building, talking to someone with his usual smile.


Calum moved closer to the travel guide, making sure he was finished talking, before greeting him. Ashton turned to him happily, sending a small wave Aiden's way. "Buenos días, Hood family. How are you?"

"We're good. Excited, I think." Calum answered with a slight chuckle, looking down at Aiden. The small boy nodded in return, smiling up at his dad. He may not be that excited, on the outside mostly, but he was always happy to spend time with his dad.

"Well, that's good. We can start right away then, since unfortunately the other family that was coming along called in sick. So, I'll be joining, if that's okay?" The curly haired travel guide explained, giving the two a small smile that showed he was a bit sorry about it. But it was okay with Calum, after all, the travel guide was nice. "That's fine."

Aiden shrugged as his dad looked at him again, looking at the small building that held all the bikes. His eyes widened as he saw a cool bike, tugging his dad that way. "Daddy! Cool."

Calum chuckled, looking at Ashton first. He wasn't sure if there were assigned bikes or if they could choose from a few, so he rather waited for Ashton to tell them what to do before he would let the boy choose. The travel guide gestured towards the bikes though, still smiling. "Go and have a look which bike fits the best. Remember that we will use the bike a lot, so it has to cycle well."

The dark haired male nodded, smiling and finally letting Aiden pull him to the bike that had interested the boy. It was a kid-sized mountain bike, all black and decorated with cool soft-coloured flames and a small character that had a flaming head. Basically Ghost Rider, but then the animated kids-version. Calum could see why Aiden thought it was cool and carefully moved the bike out of the rack. "Well, let's try it out then, bub. You have to be sure it rides well."

Aiden nodded excitedly, getting onto the bike and easily riding off. Calum chuckled as he watched his son sway a little on the bike, before steadily riding out of the small building. Calum walked out of it as well, taking in the boy to make sure the bike fit him, seeing Ashton follow the boy with his eyes as well. "Seems like that one could do."

"I thought so too." Calum agreed, smiling as Aiden came back to them and stepped off the bike, grinning widely. "This."

"Seems like you've made up your mind. That's very good. Now only your dad and we're good to go." Ashton told the small boy, still smiling. Aiden nodded, looking at his dad as if to tell him to go and pick one. Calum chuckled, but went to pick one, testing it out briefly before deciding it was good enough. He took it outside by his side, nodding at the travel guide as if to tell him this was the one, which in turn made Ashton turn to the man who seemed to be in charge of this whole bike rental –which Calum figured from the fact the man was wearing a shirt that matched the sign. Some Spanish words were exchanged, before Ashton turned back to the two with the bikes and clapped his hands together. "Let's go then."

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