Chapter 7

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It was the fourth day and the weather was a little damp. The sky was grey and cloudy, but there was no rain and the temperature was still up. All in all, it wasn't a day to go sit by the pool or go to the beach and enjoy the weather, but Aiden still wanted to do something. He had woken his dad up early after all and his energy was skyrocketing, so Calum had decided to see if Michael and Aries were up to do something. Something inside, probably, since it wasn't all that weird if it would rain later on.

Aries had immediately let out her typical squeal, before excitedly yanking on her dad's shirt while asking him to go buy some souvenir for 'Dad'. Michael had rolled his eyes, having just hung up on the call with just him, her dad. He had been asking about vitamins again and eventually he had asked about the vacation, but it had been brief. Calum had been there, as they had been having breakfast together again, and couldn't help but be amused at Michael's different reactions to the caller.

Either way, the four had decided to take a walk to the mall nearby, which was luckily indoor and so if it would start raining, they would stay dry. Calum had still thought to borrow an umbrella from the hotel's reception, taking it with to the mall.

The mall wasn't a big place, not like the malls Calum had been to in places, but it was still big for the island. It had two floors and a ton of well-known shops around the place, along with a food court and it was currently even decorated with summer-themed things. There were lanterns hanging around the mall and small sand-buildings were placed here and there, along with fake sea animals and small, fake palm trees.

"Picture! Daddy, picture." Aiden spoke excitedly, trying to pull his dad to one of the big seals. Calum chuckled and let himself be pulled there, Michael following with a slight chuckle as Aries followed just as excited.

Once at the seal, Calum took out his camera as Aiden went to stand next to the fake seal, grinning widely. Aries stood beside Calum, watching as Calum took a picture or two, before running towards the small boy and going to stand by his side. Aiden giggled, wrapping an arm around the girl that was just a little bit shorter, who in turn wrapped an arm of her own around the boy. They both grinned widely and Calum snapped more pictures, chuckling as Aries even kissed Aiden's cheek for one. The small boy blushed wildly, but still grinned, obviously not bothered by the girl's actions. Even if he was at the age where the kids often said that girls have 'cooties', or whatever.

"Daddy, can dye hair?" Aries mumbled, tugging on her dad's leather jacket sleeve the second she was back at his side. Michael rose his eyebrows, but shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Aiden looked up at his own dad, eyes a little wide. "What is dye?"

"It's something you put in your hair to give it a different colour." Calum tried, not sure how else to really explain it. Michael chuckled, nodding lightly. "That's about it. Want to try it, bud?"

The small boy looked up at the bleached blond man with slightly widened eyes still, speaking quietly. "Can I, Mister Michael?"

Michael laughed –a little loudly- at those words, ruffling the boy's hair playfully. "Just call me Michael, buddy, no Mister. That makes me feel old."

"Are old." Aries mumbled, grinning innocently as Michael looked down at her with narrowed eyes. "Twenty-five is old, yes, but not that old."

"Well, who knows. Maybe you dye your hair to cover up the grey ones that are sprouting." Calum teased, grinning at the bleached blond man. Michael groaned, before pouting a little. "Don't team up on me, that's unfair."

Aiden giggled, but took the bleached blond man's hand and patted it with his other. "On team."

"That's sweet bud." Michael smiled, squeezing the boy's hand lightly. "Now, who wants to get their hair dyed today?"

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