Chapter 1

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"But Daddy!" Aiden whined, pouting at his dad with that typical puppy-face. Calum regretted ever learning him how to do that, since it made him cave in way too many times. It was one of the many things though, that made Calum sure the boy was his. He sighed and ran a hand over his face, looking at his now almost four year-old son. "Look, Aiden, I know you really want to-"

"Yes! I really!" Aiden interrupted his dad, now grinning widely –exposing the gap from his missing front tooth- and rocking back and forth with an innocent look. His small hands were clasped in front of him as his big brown eyes sparkled hopefully. And as Calum took him in like that, all excited and hopeful, he groaned. Why was he such a softie when it came to kids? His own specifically, really.

"Okay, fine." Calum started, closing his eyes shortly before opening them again to look at the small boy. "We will go, but," he gave Aiden a look as he already saw the grin grow, "we can't make it too long and you have to promise to be on your best behaviour. Not only during the vacation, but also now up to when we go."

The small, dark haired boy nodded wildly, before stopping and tilting his head, his small and dark eyebrows furrowing together. "Why no long?"

Calum sighed quietly, pulling the boy close and onto his lap, moving his hand through the short curly-ish strands. They were almost as dark as his own, just a shade lighter, like his mum's had been. "Daddy has to study and work, bub. You know it's important that I do. Or we won't have food and a bed, remember?"

Aiden hummed, nodding in understanding. "Yes Daddy. But we have fun, yes?"

The dark haired male chuckled, kissing the boy's cheek. "Of course, bub. We're going to have the best time ever and you'll make some new friends to have fun with, I bet. Won't that be nice?"

The dark haired boy nodded with a big grin, clapping his hands together excitedly. If he hadn't been excited before, he definitely was now. "Swim? We swim too?"

"We can make that happen, sure."

"And doggy!" Aiden squealed excitedly, still grinning big. Calum shook his head with a smile, kissing the boy's forehead. "Of course you'd want a doggy, huh. But we'll see, yeah?"

Aiden hummed, before jumping of his dad's lap, holding out his hand for the man to take. "Go look?"

"Aren't you excited to go on a holiday." Calum mumbled teasingly, taking his son's hand and letting the small boy lead him to the small study they had, knowing that's were the computer was. And as he had found out not long ago, the computer knew everything. Calum watched his son with a fond smile, having one of these moments where he appreciated ever having been so lucky to become a father to such an amazing little boy. It had all happened in an odd way, with the small basket suddenly in front of his door, but he didn't care how. He was happy he had him.

"Very! Wanna have fun!" Aiden agreed, pushing his dad to the chair behind the desk, rushing to press the power button of the computer and excitedly watching it come to life. He kept bouncing next to Calum excitedly, watching his dad click away and type some things that he couldn't read from where he was standing. Not that he could read it either way, most likely, nor would want to. His dad always knew what he was doing, so he trusted him.

Calum mouthed the words he typed, it being a habit he couldn't seem to break, soon finding a site of a travel agency he was familiar with and scrolling through their offers. He purposely tried to find some kind of group-trip, hopefully with kids. It would be great for Aiden, he decided, maybe finding some friends from around here if he was lucky. Most of all, he just wanted Aiden to have kids to have a fun  time with, get along with and thus make this vacation a good one.

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