However, after not getting an answer, I turn around to tell her to leave me alone. But when I turn around, it was not Bree I was looking at, but instead I see Bonzo with a smaal frown on his face.

"Sorry, Bonzo, I thought you were Bree," I say, shaking my head at his frown. I did not mean to make him upset but that seems to be the only thing I can do right now- just make things worse,"Please do not be upset with me? I seem to be doing that a lot lately," I exclaim with a shuttered breath.

Shaking his head, he sighs and stand up. Oh great, he does not want to talk to me. Out of all the people in this room, I kind of thought that he would be the most understanding. I just keep on messing up, don't I?

I stand, walking after him. Maybe if I talk to him, try to explain that I am having a bad day, that I did nit mean to snap at him. Maybe tell him that I care to much for him, for them all.

As I get near, going over what I want to tell him, I see him getting something out of his large lunch box.

He lifts his head, sees me and turns around towards me, with whatever he took out of his box, behind his back.

Eliza and Bree seem to thing that whatever was jappening between us was a show because they just sat on top of the table near us, eating some chips.

"Look, Bonzo, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was just-," I try to explain but I just could not het the right words. At this moment I just gave up.

Looking down, I start to twiddle with my hands in front of me. He walks towards me with only one hand behind his back while the other is used to lift my chin so that I was looking at him.

He smiles at me and points towards the chair behind me. Doing as instructed I go and sit down. He grabs the chair next to it and sits across me. While we sit their, he looks towards Eliza and says something to her.

"Bonzo says that you should stop apologizing for something that you did not do and that he is not angry with you, he was just getting something that he wants to show you," Eliza translates, as Bonzo nods his head along with what she says.

As she says this, I turn towards Bonzo, wondering what he got. He takes his hand from behind his back, revealing a notebook. I wonder why he is showing me a notebook? Not that I do not like it, it is just not something I expected.

Seeing my confusion, he tells Eliza what the notebook is for,"Oh, that is probably one of the most cheesiest things I have ever heard. Daisy, he says that the notebook is so that he can write down the things that he wants to say to you instead of getting one of us to translate for him."

"Awwh, Bonzo that is so thoughtful but is that not a little flowery for you, and that is a 'D', Bonzo not 'B'," I point out looking at the front cover of the green notebook with its flower design and the golden letter D on the front cover.

"Awwh, Bonzo that is so thoughtful but is that not a little flowery for you, and that is a 'D', Bonzo not 'B'," I point out looking at the front cover of the green notebook with its flower design and the golden letter D on the front cover

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As I look at him, I see that he is starting to turn a little darker green. Is he blushing? Awww, that is so cute!

He quickly turns his head away from me, making his hair hide his face, and quickly tells Eliza something else. Eliza aawwhhs and turns towards me, with a big smile on her face, "He painted the flowers on because they are your favourite and the 'D' was intentional, because he wants to remember that it is for you," she gushes.

What? I could not believe it. He got a notebook just to be able to talk to me. He specially designed the cover to remind him of me and most importantly he wants to actually talk to me without the other. Which means he wants to hangout with me more.

Is it possible that Bonzo could be feeling the same way I am? Is it strange that I feel excitement by the idea that I am going to be able to spend more time alone with him?

But without showing anyone the real excitement I am feeling with the possibility of being alone with him, I walk toward him and pull him into a hug. As fast as the hug happened, it ended.

Suddenly we get startles by the door opening. As we separate from each other, we look at the door, relieved we see it was only Zed and Addison, walking in, holding hands.

Seeing our faces, Addison asks,"Is everything alright? You guys seem surprised."

"No, no, you just startled us, that is all," I dismiss their concern. As we get together I tell Addison and Zed about my suspicions about Bucky and The Aceys. When I was finished, we decided on a plan for the situation. Walking towards the clock on the wall I look up.

By now it was almost the end of lunch and the bell was about to go, so packing up my things, I say bye to Eliza, Bonzo and Zed, with hugs and walk out the door with Bree and Addison in tow.

Today went from a low to a high and the best part was I finally know that  these feelings that I am staring to develop is not just one sided.

And today I made I discovery, Bonzo looks really cute when he blushes.

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