•Chapter number ten•

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,,We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do"
We Don't Talk Anymore; Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez


,,Lance, calm down," I sighed when Lance was walking from one side of my room to second one, clearly very angry.

,,Calm down? Are you kidding me Drina? You don't understand what you did! I don't like her, she is greasy af! And you GAVE HER MY NUMBER AND FORCED ME TO TALK WITH HER!" he shouted at me which made me flinch. He sook his head and continues in walking.

,,No, no, no, YOU don't understand. I don't regret my actions. She wants to talk with you and I want to help her a-"

,,Wait, wait...why would you help your biggest enemy? Don't say anything, I can answer myself. You did it because you want to win our ,,war" and you'll do everything for it. And you are not afraid to use dirty intrigues. I though you can do better then this. I'm really disappointed Drina...you won't be very pleased, if I did the same thing to you, didn't you?"

,,That's true, but-"

,,You know what? Just leave me alone and don't even dare to talk to me personal...only by radio," he said and wanted to go away, but I grabbed his wrist.

,,You know what is funny? You did the same, don't you remember? On the plane, when you said that I 'm your friend. So please don't play innocent." Lance was looking at me for a very quick moment and then he turned around and walked away.

,,I was just kidding...I really meant it. I though we could be friends after all...but it doesn't matter now," he mumbled before he slammed the door. I sighed and closed my eyes. Why everything just screwed up?

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