Chapter number four ✔

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"I say it once, you say it twice
You know I like a little competition from time to time
You think I'm wrong when I know I'm right."
Competition; Little Mix


*TW - subtle racist remarks*


"We are done for today," I could hear a disappointment in James' voice, and I was feeling the same. Of course, we didn't expect much but 19th place? You can't be happy about that, no-one wants to start from the back of the grid. Lance is feeling the same as we do because he disappeared right after he got out of the car. His performance could be affected by his crash in the third practice, the car is not 100% ok, and Lance might not feel confident enough to push more. As I said earlier, It's incredibly hot here. So when I returned back to my hotel room, the first thing I was planning to do, was taking a shower. Cold drops would make me feel relaxed. I will forget about Lance, bad qualification, and all the stress around.

"What the fuck?" I groaned when I couldn't find the towels. I can't take a shower when I don't have a towel. But they were here in the morning, I swear they were here. I looked around the room, but the towels are nowhere to be seen. What the hell is happening today? First the bottle, but it was Lance and...wait, no, no, no. Don't tell me that he...but how would he get here? I ran into my room, naked and soaked. I luckily found my nightrobe, it ain't much but better than walking naked in my room. Suddenly, I noticed a note on the table, how did I not see that before? Together with the note, there was one of my room cards. I took the note into my hands, reading the message:

I told you to be more careful Alexandrina ;)


What an idiot. What a motherfucking idiot. Who does he think he is?  What is his fucking problem? Teasing is alright but stealing my room card? Is he normal? Does he really think he is funny? A lot of thoughts were going through my mind as I was making my way to Lance's room. When did he take my card? I have it always with me, I never leave it...oh, during breakfast. Asshole, fucking asshole.  

"Why?" I immediately asked when he opened the door, glaring at him.

"I don't know what are you tal..."

"No? My towels are missing and YOU don't know what I am talking about?" I yelled at him, and his eyes widened, "please, don't act suprised!" 

"Come in," he murmured, looking around the hall.

"Do you really think that you are funny? Because I can assure you that you are not," I kept my high voice level when we were alone in his room.

"Please, calm down. There is no reason for shouting..."

"Excuse me? Are you even hearing yourself? You stole my water bottle, room card, towels...what will be next? My mobile or right away my suitcase?" I crossed my arms over my chest, the blood boiling inside me, "don't you know that stealing is illegal?"

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