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 (AN: hehe i lied about publishing 'soon' but hey here you go a MONTH later)


The girl, the one who had been following me around, was ready. She was experienced, and one hell of a talker. She hated me but kept on coming back. I ask her why, and her answer is always some form of 'it's my job'. I know that she doesn't want to admit it, but her motives are different. Yet, her worries were eminent as we stood there, just waiting for the noise maker to walk by. She was ready to jump in- but it was as if she was thinking; at what cost?

Her heart was beating rather fast, and she was swinging her sword round and round. She was hesitant, possibly because of the young- definitely young cop that definitely needed taking out. She wasn't ruthless as she seemed. She was nervous, almost always, but never showed it. Not until now.

"Are you alright?" My voice was as quiet as I could make it.

Her face didn't even turn my direction. "Sure." Her voice was almost silent. "Just... before you I... I just haven't done this in a while."

"Really?" I turned most of my focus back to her, but I did hear the man getting closer.

"Yeah. Now shut it."

"He's here." We both stepped back, getting behind the corner. The high- if you want to call it that- was invigorating for me. It was good to have someone that I could... kick ass with.


The young cop was scared. He must've been dispatched when the bomb went off. Everyone was probably called on shift as soon as all the chaos erupted. I did not happily anticipate lying about my whereabouts, because soon every cop in the city is going to get some kind of background check. My claims over the years, well, they would need revaluating.

The brightness of the man's torch made my eyes squint, adjusting to the stark light that filled the desolate warehouse. The downstairs was much like the upstairs- you couldn't really determine anything. But having Mr. Echolocation helped. He seemed to know where he was going.

"Ten-ten?" The aforesaid man asked. It was a code.

"He probably heard the screams." I shrugged, whispering quietly. Even though Murdock was a few feet away, I knew he could hear me. It creeped me out just a little bit.

"Eighty-five?" Obviously, he was relaying what the cop was saying. God this man needed to learn his cop codes.

"He's gonna bring a few friends to the party." I threw my sword back in its sheath. "We need to leave. Now."

"We can't," He countered.

"I don't know if you realize, but no lawyer jargon is gonna get you out of jail. They'll pin you for everything." I sighed. "It's what we do. New York doesn't like vigilantes."

"Well, you go," He offered.

"Are you kidding me?!" I stepped closer, my voice hoarse from 'scream whispering'. "Oh my god..."

"What? I don't want to drag you into this." He was sincere, and it was annoying.

"Unfortunately Murdock, there's no going back now." I was going to hate myself for this.

"Well okay. We need to find a way out, and we're bringing Vladimir with us." I didn't bother to argue. We were both stubborn and the approaching footsteps meant we didn't have the time. "You ready?"

"Do you always have to ask me that?" Another quiet yet exasperated sigh later, I was ready.

The man was already making his way towards the first set of unstable stairs. "He has his gun out," Murdock warned me, the non-ninja of the two of us. I can't dodge bullets like he can, but I can definitely do it my own special way. Not being in the line of fire. It works wonders really.

Soon enough the young man was stepping past the old metal door, gun in hand. Murdock no longer needed to detail the cop's whereabouts. He was here. We hid in the darkness, behind a corner that he would certainly pass, ready to pounce. The cop looked to where we had talked to Vladimir, and he still laid there. We were proactive though because it was all apart of the plan.

As the cop screamed at the unconscious Russian mobster to put his hands up, I contemplated turning around and not coming back. Surely this was not worth the trouble. But I stayed.

The cop continued to hurl orders at the man on the floor, and Murdock decided to act. He ran up behind him, delivering one of his infamous cliche lines. "He can't hear you." His voice was deep, out of practice as of the whispering we had been doing. Murdock hit the gun, trying to grab it out of the cop's hands. He swung his fist, meeting the cop's face multiple times. The cop fought back, however, but Murdock had the upper hand. He flipped the man onto his back and got down onto the ground, choking the man with his knee. He had a firm grip on the man's gun, but the cop still would not let it go.

I barely had time to react before Murdock spoke. "I'm gonna take my knee off your throat." He whispered quite menacingly as I just stood back- watching. "Stay quiet, answer my questions, or your night is gonna get a hell of a lot worse." Damn okay then. "Understand?" The cop nodded as much as he could with the tight grip. He was scared- scared of dying, but I knew Murdock would not do what the cop feared. He was just... not that sort of guy.

Murdock released the pressure off the man's neck but still kept a cautious hold. The cop wheezed, finally able to breathe. "Who do you work for?" Ah. Yes, Murdock. The question we all wanted to know.

"The city of New York." The man was genuinely confused. And by the sudden change of posture that Murdock seemed to have, he knew it was true.

"I'm gonna ask you again," Maybe Murdock didn't believe him. "This time, think about your answer." He took a big long pause, and I could no longer predict what he was going to do. What he was prepared to do. "Who do you work for?"

"City of New York! I got two months on the job." The young cop was steady, frightened... but speaking the truth. He had no idea who this Fisk was. No idea about his dirty colleagues that he probably called friends.

Murdock was definitely calm as he took the man's radio out of its holder. I stepped in just as he was about to resume speaking. "Get Central." Murdock turned his head towards me, surprised at my sudden action for some reason. "Tell 'em it was a false alarm. No eighty-" I stopped myself. Didn't need this guy knowing I knew the code. "No backup."

"I do that," The cop flickered his eyes between the two of us. "I'm a free man? You let me walk?"


The frightened cop shakily picked up the radio and begun. "Central, post forty-one k." The dispatcher soon responded.

"Ten-four, Post forty-one."

The cop had this look in his eyes that I couldn't shake, but it was too late. "Second floor! Male and female perp's in masks! Wounded civilian!" Murdock gave the guy a quick punch, and it was lights out for him. The screaming stopped.

Murdock held the radio in his hand. The dispatcher responded with a few inquiries before releasing what had happened. I soon heard familiar voices on the other end. Blake, Pinksi and other squads were on their way. Soon, half the NYPD would be right out the front of the abandoned building.

Murdock took a few deep breathes before turning to me. "Great." My panic increased as I tried not to yell. "That's just... fucking great."

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