the no killing rule sucks

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(AN: i don't know any more titles. flashback caused a long chapter oop. also, there is japanese and i do not speak the language so if it's wrong im very sorry i hope you forgive me (AN2: also Thor Ragnarok was great and is my new fav)

We had arrived just in time to see a blind Asian man get led into a building by two Russians. I wanted to stop by for food, but Murdock laughed me away. I was joking, obviously. Trying to keep the mood a little less morbid. I tended to do that, especially at the precinct.

The wounds all over my body were starting to heal, and the real pain in my ribs and lungs had decreased. It was still there though. There was always that lingering feeling of pain, even if you weren't badly injured. There was always that patch of darkness that you felt. Back to the 'little less morbid'.

After the man had entered the building, Murdock swung down to the ground and slammed one of the Russians into the door. I came down from the fire escape as the vigilante flipped him over his shoulder. I tried to step in but it seemed like he had it under control. Murdock kicked the man in the face multiple times as he dropped his gun. I reached down, grabbed the gun, and emptied it. I let the magazine drop to the ground as I threw the gun in the man's stomach.

He doubled over as Murdock continued to hit him. He put his hands up in front of his face but soon he landed a couple on the vigilante across from him. Murdock responded by sending a few back, but pretty quickly the Russian had gained an advantage and sent an uppercut his way. These Russians were trained very well, and I was excited to take on the big guys. I hadn't done this in a while, and the rush was always a welcome experience.

As the two continued to fight, I unsheathed my blade. I saw the reflection of the light above the door in the shimmery metal. I threw the blade towards the light, shattering it instantly. It was a partial distraction, as I wanted the Russian to focus on me instead of the vigilante.

He hastily turned around, leaving Murdock on the ground as he fumbled to get up. I flung the sword around my wrist, building up momentum to thrust it into the man's chest. It takes a lot of force to do that. Before I could do so, Murdock pushed my arm out of the way. My sword flung out of my hand, and the metal clattered sharply on the concrete.

In the distance, I heard some Russians from within the warehouse. Had they heard us? I did want to fight a whole 'army' of dickheads, but I wasn't sure if I was able to.

"No. Killing." Murdock menacingly murmured as he went back to kicking the shit out of the thug.

I muttered a couple of profanities that I knew he heard. "Fine."

He still seemed unsatisfied but went straight back to kicking the shit out of the man on the ground. I pushed Murdock out of the way as I tossed the man into the door. As he slid down, he punched me in the face.

I wiped the blood from my cheek and grabbed the sword that had previously been discarded. His eyes followed my blade as I pressed it against his neck. "Don't. Move."

Murdock looked at me sudden movements with slight awe but I just continued to hold the blade with the same blank look. "Are we gonna go get the others?" I motioned to the inside of the building but Murdock crossed his head.

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