frickity frick the police

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(AN: im building up to a better chapter just bare with me)

We had made our way to the top of a box of crates and were waiting for two lucky Russians to come by, one of them being Vladimir. We were at the docks, and the usual quietness was interrupted by the honks of cars and sirens all throughout Hells Kitchen. The precinct and Mahoney were probably lighting up my phone with urgent messages similar to 'get down here now!' or 'are you okay?!' or maybe even 'we need everyone blah blah blah'. I was not looking forward to having to explain what I was doing during this disaster of a night.

Murdock looked into the distance and steadied his stance. I mouthed a confirmation of whether it was them or not, and he nodded. I got out my blade, but Murdock sheathed it for me instantly. No killing.

A metal gate clattered open and shut as two voices entered the vicinity. As they turned the corner, Murdock jumped down from the stack of crates that we were situated on. I did the same, slamming the men down. I had, fortunately, or unfortunately, tackled the man that I had recognized from the hospital the other night.

Murdock had actually knocked out the other man, but Vladimir had gotten back up and reached for his belt. Before I could do anything, he had a gun pointed at my head. Clear shot. As I stared down the barrel, Murdock pushed me out of the way just before a shot rang out around us. Murdock spun, kicking the Russian in the head whilst I picked him up by his jacket and took the gun from his hand.

The three of us got up, and as I emptied the magazine out of the gun, I saw the two begin a fist fight. Murdock was successful in the act of getting him back on the ground, but he was still flailing about. I considered stabbing my blade into the man's chest, but I didn't want Murdock too pissed with me. A little was fine, but killing a man would not be good for his already big apprehensions about me. I was surprised when he had taken my unconscious body across the city. He seemed to care...?

Murdock booted him to the ground repetitively, causing Vladimir's attempts to get up useless. The vigilante got down on the ground and started beating the Russian's face, again and again. The grunts exchanged between the two were partly effort, and partly pain. Murdock lifted his arms up higher and higher, increasing the momentum of his strikes. I idly stood by, as there was anything I could really do. The Russian's face was becoming extremely bloody. Under other circumstances, I would've stopped Murdock, but this guy deserved a thrashing- or multiple.

Murdock lifted the man up by the collar. "This one's for Claire." He raised his fist, to strike once again, but all three of us froze and turned to the sound of sirens wailing. Two cop cars pulled up and the men in them got out and instantly aimed their guns at us.

"Hands in the air!" All four of the cops screamed instantaneously.

Murdock looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to do something, but I couldn't. These officers were from my precinct, and I couldn't risk revealing my identity. I decided to keep my mouth shut and follow suit with the frozen Murdock. We turned our backs on them as I thanked myself for wearing a mask.

Numerous different, yet the same, orders were being thrown about by the officers. They were all demanding us to put our hands up, quite harassingly. Both of us followed suit with their commands, raising our hands above our heads.

"Check the two on the ground. The suspect is in custody. Got an extra too." A cop spoke through his radio as the others approached us. "On the ground now you son of a bitch! You too!" The men were increasing their volume, and shortening the distance between us.

My heart was racing at the thought of getting caught, and by the sound of Murdock's heavy panting, he was in the same position. "Murdock?" I whispered, knowing that his 'heightened senses' would hear.

"Yeah." He nodded, lowering his voice so that the cops wouldn't hear.

"You ready?" I spoke like a ventriloquist dummy.

"Are you ready?"



"Don't you move! Don't you frickin' move!" The men were surrounding us, and our silent planning wasn't... going as well as I had hoped. For some reason, my brain did not respond to any of the tactical support that had been drilled into my head. They were closing in, and I didn't feel like getting shot. Was I that rusty?

"Interlock your fingers behind your head and get on your knees." The closest officer to us ordered in a threatening tone. I think that the gun that was aimed at us helped stress the point. "On your knees! Do it now!" We didn't budge. "Don't you move! I'll put a bullet in you." You'd hope so. What are those guns for anyway?

"Last chance assholes. I will not hesitate to put both you down!" Another officer screamed as their semi-circle crept closer and closer. I didn't want to risk a look to the vigilante, but I wished that I knew what was going on in his head. "On your knees, do it!"

"Keeps your eyes on him." One of the officers spoke to his partner. "All right. Nice and slow." Murdock stepped over the body that lay before him, but it seemed as though the Russian was not out cold. I glanced over to the vigilante, who was doing as ordered. I followed suit, falling slowly to my knees as the officers confirmed our compliance.

"Cuff 'em." All of their guns were still raised. Two men walked behind Murdock and I and clipped on the metal cuffs.

I gave an otherwise indistinct nod to Murdock, and within seconds he had started to flip around and knock out the cops. I ducked to the ground as I heard gunshots ring out around us. One of them had landed in Vladimir. Grunts were exchanged between all of the participants in the fight, and as Murdock continued to flip around, I unsheathed my blade and tugged on the handcuffs. The chain snapped easily as I put my blade back in its holster and proceeded to help the blind vigilante.

By the time I was ready to fight, Murdock had only one cop left standing. I quickly punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"We need to go. Now." I looked around us, waiting for more dirty officers to come.


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