I wake to my alarm the next morning and I feel like death. I still plan on going to school today. I can't not go because I don't want Justin thinking that I'm afraid of him. So, I just need to get past Mom before she realizes that I'm sick. After showering I do the rest of my morning routine before going downstairs to eat breakfast before Derek picks me up.

Sitting at the table with my yogurt and orange juice I eat in silence as my brothers talk about the upcoming dance for Homecoming and who they're taking. I'm going but with Addi, not as a date but as friends. Derek is meeting us there with his girlfriend, Demi, who attends a different high school.

I hear a horn honk from outside and get up to put my dishes in the sink before grabbing my bag and taking Arwen's harness in my hand as I walk out the door to Derek's car. Smiling at Derek after putting Arwen in the back as I sit in the front passenger seat. Derek smiles back as he back out of my driveway. By the time we make it to school I feel like death.

"Dude, you look like death," Derek says as we get out of his car and head to the entrance of the school.

Grunting at him I open my locker to grab my books. "I know. Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Grabbing Arwen's harness Derek walks with me to my first hour before he goes to his. Addi walks in a few minutes later and tells me the same thing Derek did.

Once class starts the teacher annouces that there's a new student to the class. A few minutes later said new student enters the classroom. "Class this is Blake Torres. Blake would you like to introduce yourself?"

Blake turns to the class with a devilish smirk. "I'm Blake but I go by Blaze. I'm 18 years old and I'm gay. I moved here with my Dad from California." The teacher tells him to take the empty seat in front of me.

As Blake (Blaze) sits down he notices my service dog who's laying down at my feet. I notice him glance up at me and look in my eyes searching probably trying to decide if I'm deaf or blind. I get that more than most people would think. "Hey kid are you blind or something?"

Glancing up into his hazel eyes I answer him. "Or something."

"Want to be more specific kid?" he asks with an eyebrow quirked.

Looking down as I study my fingers. "I have siezures, Arwen helps warn me and others when I'm about to have one. She lays with me until I'm done having a siezure," I say quietly. I'm so damn embarressed by my damn condition. "My name isn't kid, its Greyson," I mumble to him.

I feel the table move so I glance up to see Blake putting his arm across the front of the tabe as he chuckles. "Well Greyson, I think you're name is awesome and it must suck having that condition," he says before turning to face forward.

Not only is Blake, who is so fucking sexy in my first hour but he's in five other of my classes. Mostly he sits near me and it isn't helping my shyness around him or lust for him. During all my classes that either Addi or Derek are in Justin doesn't bother me or any of his moronic friends. Until the last hour of the day. Neither Addi or Derek are in that class with me but Justin and Blake.

Justin smirks at me as he slams his books down on the table next to me. Pulling out the chair he sits down as he turns toward me. I see Blake turn to look at us and I believe he notices my scared look as I scooch my chair away from Justin.

"So faggot, miss me while I was on my two day vacation? I missed you very much." He leans closer to me as he drops his voice. "I'm not afraid of Derek and I will fuck with you as much as I want. Understand me faggot?" he snears out at me.

I gulp as I nod. I didn't notice that Blake had made his way over to us. "Everything alright, Greyson?"

"Go away new kid, faggot and I are talking. Aren"t we, faggot?" Justin sneers at me.

Before I can answer Blake has Justin by the neck against the ground. "Listen up you little shit-for-brains. I don't appreciate your words that you're using against Greyson or the fear I see his eyes because of you." I see Justin squirming in Blake's hold. "Greyson already has enough on his plate without having to worry about what you are going to do or say to him. Leave him alone or I will make you." Blake squeezes Justin's neck a litte more. "Understand me, asshole?" Justin nods weakly before Blake lets go.

Wheezing Justin climbs to his feet as he rubs his neck as he stalks past Blaze to sit with his friend that is in our classroom. Blake takes Justin's empty chair giving me a reassuring smile."Are you alright, Greyson?" he asks quietly as the teacher enters the room to start class.

I nod weakly trying to calm my shaking. I cannot have another siezure due to stress this week. I won't be able to play in the soccer game Saturday morning if that happens. "Yes, tthank you, Blake," I whisper so the teacher doesn't hear me.

Blake grins at me as he puts his arm across the back of my seat. "Not a problem. Please call me Blaze though," he whispers back with a smirk.

"Why Blaze? Blake is a very handsome name?" I instantly slap my hand over my mouth. Whoops, diarrhea of the mouth. I instantly feel my face heating up from embarrassment.

Blake chuckles softly as he gently brushes his hand that's behind me against my left shoulder. "Well thank you, Greyson. I think you're handsome and I would like to know you better. Want to hang out at my place tonight, I can bring you there and then home?" he whispers against my right ear.

I nod as my face heats up even more. "Yes, I would like that, too. Let me text my mom." I take my cell from my front left pocket and text her; she tells me that's fine and I have to be home no later than 10 p.m. since it's a school night. Thanking her I tell Blake that when I have to be home and he nods and says that's fine. I can't help the grin that spread across my face as I see Blake smiling at me.

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