Chapter 7

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They rolled into town the next morning. As Faith had said, they all then went separate ways, but they were within a 5-mile radius of each other. Faith called Sam and Dean around 2:30 to tell them that she was just outside the building where John was. She had memorized the exorcism that she was gonna use the night before. She walked into the building twenty minutes later with her machete and holy water. The building was old and covered in rust. Pipes ran above her from one end of the hallway to the next. She walked up a flight of stairs and immediately saw three demons about sixty yards from her. She walked up against the wall and hurled herself at them. She threw holy water at them and as they screamed in agony, Faith felt a white-hot pain in her left side. She looked down and saw the tip of a dagger covered in blood, her own.

She turned her head slowly and saw the face of her suspect and gasped, "Azazel." And that was the last she saw before the darkness caved in.


Faith woke up in a dreary state. Her hands and feet were bound and there was little light in the room, produced by about twenty candles. She glanced down, under her gear to find that her shirt was soaked with blood.

Her side ached as she thought out loud, "Damn, I liked this shirt." She heard someone walk in the room and turned her head to find yellow glowing eyes looking at her. "Azazel. What do you want?"

He walked up to her and put his arm on her shoulder, "Oh, nothing much. Just for you and your two brothers to stop trying to kill me in exchange for your daddy's life."

Faith was confused, "Wait, kill you? A demon? You can't kill a demon; nothing in this world can sever a demon's life force."

Azazel tilted his head, "Oh, your daddy hasn't told you. There is only one gun in the world that can kill a demon, even me. The Colt. In 1941, Samuel Colt made a gun; they say this gun can kill anything, they were right. That is the one weapon demons fear. And your daddy has it."

Faith finally understood, "So that's why you want me to take the deal. You don't want to die, but you don't mind getting sent back to Hell. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..."

She never got to finish because Azazel had put his hand over her mouth, "Shhh. There's no need for that. I've already called Sam so he can come find you. I don't expect him to come alone, am I right, so we'll have a trap for Dean. And then I can torture you three until you agree to my terms." Faith started to feel dizzy and that's when she realized that she had lost a lot of blood and was still losing blood.

"We'll never agree to your terms. We would rather die than let you live."

Azazel snickered and said, "Oh I wouldn't be too sure. When you are in agonizing pain, it's interesting to see what you are willing to do." He walked out of the room, leaving her to die.


Dean and Sam had gotten the call around 2:30. They knew what they had to do next. They had gotten together right after Faith called them. They both knew that they were defying her plans by doing it, but they needed to be together. They got in the Impala and drove to the building.

"Dean, if this goes our way and we get Dad back, what am I supposed to do? I mean, all me and Dad do is fight and I don't want to fight."

Sam was looking at his brother who was frowning, "Well, then don't fight. It's bad enough that Dad was captured and now Faith. Don't make it worse than it already is. Faith wanted to leave you at Bobby's until we got Dad because she didn't want you to fight. Just don't make me wish I had taken you to Bobby's." Sam left that conversation at that. They arrived at the processing building to find demons surrounding it, their black eyes giving themselves away. "Well, at least we know that this is the right place," Dean said skimming the building. He found an entrance by the front with no demon posted at it.

"Dean, you realize this is probably a trap. We don't even know what kind of condition Dad, or even Faith, is in. If they're hurt, we need enough time to get them both out." Sam was getting his cross out, presumably to put into the water tanks.

"Ok, you get Dad since you're bigger and I'll get Faith. If she's fine, then I'll help you carry Dad, while Faith hits the sprinklers. While they're writhing in agony, she can exorcise them. Then, we get the hell out of Dodge." Dean finished with Sam getting out of the car. "Remember the plan," Dean whispered, staying in the car.

"All right, I'm here you sons of bitches. Come and get it." The demons started to run at Sam. He ran to the right, so Dean could get in the entrance. Dean got out of the car and ran to the door. He had only his bottle of holy water with him. He walked in to find blood everywhere. It was human.

"You know, she's a peculiar thing, your sister. Didn't even scream when I drove that dagger right through her. She just looked at me with those gold eyes of hers and then she fell to the ground, like a rag doll," a voice said. Dean couldn't see or figure out who was talking to him. Then he saw it, two yellow-eyes staring at him.

"You," Dean hissed.

Azazel stepped out of the dark and into the light, "Me! You know, you really should rework this strategy of yours, coming when you think we expect only your brother. It's getting to be an expected thing."

"What have you done to Faith?" Dean said.

Azazel tilted his head, "Oh she's alive. Barely, she's lost a lot of blood and still is. Nice gear that she wears though. Had to find a weak spot in it when I stabbed her. Strong gal, that one."

Dean was furious at this point, "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch. If she's dead, you and every demon will die. Now where is she?"

Azazel pointed to the doors behind him, "She's in there, if you can get pass me that is." Oh Dean was ready; Sam was already at the doors behind Azazel when the sprinklers came on. Azazel screamed in agony and ran away from them. Dean ran toward Sam and opened the doors, to find not Faith, but John. He was tied up and passed out. He didn't seem to be bleeding anywhere, but they could tell that he was tortured. Bruises and cuts lined his face and neck.

"Dad," Dean said running toward his father. Dean was shaking him awake when he finally came out of consciousness.

"Dean? What are you doing here? Sam?" John was shaking his head while Dean untied the ropes. Sam finally pulled away from the doors and came to help John up.

"Where's Faith?" he asked.

Dean looked at Sam and shook his head, "She came after you, but they got her. Her blood was in puddles outside. Azazel said he stabbed her. I can't find her."

"I couldn't find her either. The demons down there said that they left her body for dead at a well," Sam said.

"We have to find her. I know she's still here. They need her," John said.

"Wait, whoa, why do they need her?" Sam asked.

"You know how I said on the message I left you thatshe was special? I know why she's special. And Sammy, you're special too. But,I need to tell you when all four of us are here and somewhere safe. Come on, wehave to find Faith."

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