Chapter 3

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Halloween, just great. Sam hated Halloween, not because of the costumes, but because of the thoughts of his past. The vampires, the werewolves, it was just too much. But he still went to the party because Jessica wanted him to go. Jessica was the one thing that kept Sam upright. She made sure that he was on time and always perfect. He really did love her. After the party, Sam and Jessica went back to his apartment and went to bed.

It was around 1:30 in the morning when Sam awoke to the sound of someone shuffling through the kitchen. He got up and went up against the doorframe of the bedroom. He then heard what sounded almost like an echo of footsteps. There were two people in the apartment. He saw one of them pass in front of the big window in the apartment and he took the chance. He leaped at the figure and brought him to the ground. He punched the figure once, but struggled to knock him out. The figure was surprisingly strong. It flipped Sam onto his back and with the moonlight shining in through the window he could finally see who it was.

"Dean? What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Well, I was looking for a beer," Dean replied, "Faith, get in here!"

Faith came running into the room with a smile on her face, "Sammy!" She ran up to him and hugged him so tight, Sam thought that he might burst. "It's so good to see you! What the hell have you been doing?" Faith asked him.

"Well, I've been going to school and it's nice to see you too, Faith," he replied. She was wearing her black leather hunting gear and black, shiny leather pants and her infamous high heels. The heel contains silver, holy water, and tiny spikes. Faith went to Dean's side to help her brother recover from Sam's punch. Dean was wearing his blue shirt with a grey undershirt and jeans.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Sam asked his siblings. Then the light turned on.

"Sam? What are you doing up?" Jessica had walked into the room.

"Jess, hey, um...this is Dean and Faith," Sam told his girlfriend.

"Wait, your brother and sister?" she asked.

"Yeah, in the flesh," Dean answered for him.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you," Jessica said smiling at the two of them.

"You too and thanks for looking out for Sammy," Faith replied.

"Really, we appreciate it a lot," Dean added.

"No problem. So what brings you here?" Jessica asked them.

"Oh you know family business. Do you mind if we borrow him, just for a sec while we talk to him about it?" Dean told her.

"No," Sam replied.

"No, whatever you two have to say you can say in front of her too." Dean looked at Faith reluctantly, but she was determined.

"Ok, Dad hasn't been home in a few days."

"He's just at the garage working overtime, it's nothing," Sam said.

"Let me rephrase that, Dad's out on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days," Faith alleged.

"Well don't sugarcoat it for him, Faith," Dean accused.

"He needs to know, he's been out for far too long."

"Jess, will you excuse us, we need to talk in private." Sam led his siblings out the apartment and into the street. "What the hell, guys? I mean, you can't just break into my apartment and tell me that Dad's missing and then expect me to come with you guys to find him," Sam told them.

"Whoa, are you just assuming that we were going to ask you to help us find him? Wow, what happened to you, Sam? It used to be pure instinct and now its assumptions," Dean asked, petrified.

"Reality happened, Dean. I told you that I wanted out for good and then you show up here uninvited with no warning whatsoever," Sam lashed out.

"Stop it! Stop it right now! Sam, we're family so you should know that we're going to show up wherever we want whenever we want," Faith yelled, "Now it's time you knew the truth."

"Faith, no," Dean said.

"He has a right to know. We know what killed Mom," Faith said with a monotone voice.

Sam's anger-filled face suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, "What? What was it? Where is it? Is it dead?"

Dean answered his questions, "It was a demon. We don't know what its name is or where it is, but what we do know is that it's alive and that it wasn't some lower-class, everyday demon. We think Dad went to go find more demons to see if they knew anything, but he never told us anything about that."

"Wait, why didn't you guys ever tell this before? How long have you known this?" Sam asked.

"About three months and you want to know why we didn't tell you. We didn't tell you because you said you wanted out. You wanted out and you got it. And you walked out on us in the middle of a hunt! Leaving hunting means leaving all the information about it behind too, including that about our mother," Faith snapped. She was mad, yet happy at the same time. She loved Sam, but she would never forgive him for what he did. He left them for school.

He always said when he was a little kid, "Family comes before anything." What changed, she wondered.

"Sam, why did you leave us, really? And don't give me that 'I wanted to go to school and have a life' crap. I haven't seen you for two years and when I actually see you, you say 'What the hell are you doing here?' It has been hell for me not knowing where you were or if you were ok," Faith's eyes were starting to swell with tears. Dean knew this was coming. She hadn't been the same since Sam left. First it had started with the depression and then it was the nightmares. Dean asked her once about the nightmares and the second after he asked her, he had regretted it.

"It's none of your damn business, Dean. You know if you hadn't said what you said, Sam wouldn't have left and you know it!" Faith still hunted with Dean, but if she didn't have to say a word, she didn't. Dean jolted out of the flashback and turned his attention towards Sam.

"Sam, you have no idea what you did to us. You know, when you left us, it left scars. Things that neither one of us want to talk about."

"Wait, what kind of things?" Sam asked.

"None of your damn business, Sam!" Faith yelled through the sobs. Sam walked toward her with his arms out in an attempt to hug her, but she backed away.

"If you touch me Sam so help me, I will shoot you." Faith seemed different to Sam. He didn't how, but she wasn't the same since the last time he saw her.

"Faith, Dean, I never meant to hurt you guys, but...I had to get out. I had to," Sam said sincerely.

"Well, you got what you wanted and now you have to help us," Dean said sternly.

"You owe us this, Sam. We let you go, we didn't attempt to come and get you. We let you walk out on us and now you owe us this," Faith shot Sam an anguished look. Sam signed and turned his back to them.

"Fine, but I have to be back here in three days. I have an interview."

"What like a job interview?" Dean asked. Sam shook his head. "Wow, Sammy getting a job! There's a new one. For what, a lawyer?" Dean laughed.

Sam replied, "Yeah." Faith was getting impatient. Her tears had cleared up by now and she wasn't happy. 

"Come on, then. We don't have all day."

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