Chapter 4

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Sam went back to his apartment to get packed.

"I wonder what he's going to tell Jessica," Dean thought out loud. Faith didn't care. She just wanted to find John and get this over with. She never realized it, but she was so angry with Sam that she could stab him in the heart herself. When he finally came back out, Dean asked him, "So what did you tell Jessica?"

Sam looked up at Dean, "That Dad went out to hunt deer and he got a little carried away. That I was going to help you guys bring him back." Dean opened the trunk so Sam could put his stuff in the back. Dean went to go get in the driver's seat as Sam went go get in the passenger seat.

"Ah, hell no. Sam, you're sitting in the back this whole trip," Faith said.

"Ah, ok," Sam said, startled by her voice. They got in the car and drove off. "Do we even know where Dad is," Sam asked.

"Pontiac, Illinois. At least that's what the GPS on his cell says," Dean replied. Four hours into the drive, Dean pulled over to get gas.

Faith got out of the car and told Dean, "Hey, I'm going to get food, you want anything?"

Dean smiled, "Skin mags, beer, oh and pie." Faith smiled and walked to the store. Both of the boys noticed that she didn't ask Sam if he wanted anything. Sam got out of the car went to Dean's side.

"What's up with her?" Dean looked at him as if he were stupid.

"Really, Sam, you don't know? She's pissed at you. She never forgave you for walking out on us. You don't even know what it did to her. She seems different doesn't she, like she's drained? That's because of you. She won't even talk to me about it. It started with depression then it was nightmares. I asked her once about it and she told me that it was none of my goddamn business. Sam, she still has nightmares to this day because of you. God knows what she sees in those dreams. They're so bad that she wakes up, sweat dripping down her face and her heart almost beating out of her chest. She wakes me and Dad up too, with her screams. Even Dad didn't know what to do. Sam, you did this and you need to fix it. She's reckless when she hunts now; it's not healthy for her. The vampire-slaying, demon exercising expert you knew is gone. The sister we both knew is dead." 

Sam was looking down at his feet when Dean finished. Sam knew that he caused his family pain when he left, but he never knew exactly how much pain. Now he knew and it was worse than what he imagined. Faith came out of the store with multiple plastic bags. Sam quickly wiped the sadness of his face and replaced it with a smile. Dean asked, "Did you get pie?"

"Yes Dean. I got apple, your favorite!" Faith replied.

"Thank you! Finally, pie," Dean exclaimed.

The three got into the car and Faith quickly said, "So, what did you two talk about?"

Dean was ready to answer, probably because he didn't want Sam to piss Faith off, "Oh you know, catching up."

Faith gave a sarcastic look, "Sure."


When they got to Pontiac, they first thing they did was find a motel. They found one on the out skirts of town called America's Best Value Inn. Dean offered to get dinner which would end up being bacon cheeseburgers for Dean and Faith and a cob salad for Sam.

"What are you, like a vegetarian now?" Dean asked. It turns out that Sam went vegetarian right after he left them. When they went to bed it must have been 11:30. Sam and Dean were woken by Faith's screams around 2:15. Dean got up quickly and woke Faith up. Dean wasn't lying to Sam when he said Faith woke drenched in sweat. He looked at her and saw for himself what Dean and John saw every night for the past two years. It was terrifying, her clothes soaked in sweat. Her heart was pumping so fast that you could see every beat. She got up and walked over to the dresser where a large portrait mirror stood on top.

She was wiping the sweat off of her when she walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water; she had drunk half of it when she noticed Dean whispering to Sam, "This is what you put her through. Every night for the past two years, this is what happened. And I couldn't do anything to stop it. This is your fault, Sam."

Sam replied instantly, "My fault? Dean, if I had known this is what would've happened I would never have left."

Dean was yelling now, "Of course, you still would've left! All you care about is you. If you ever saw a chance to leave us, you took it!" Faith couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut up both of you!" She looked down and then turned to face them, "You have no idea what I've been going through. You want to know what I dream about? I have to sit there and watch you two die, over and over again. I couldn't do anything to stop it. And sometimes, the dreams are different. I'm the one who kills you two. My mind doesn't want to kill you, but my body does the opposite. I pull the trigger of the gun I'm holding and shoot you both. And then there are the dreams where it's not you that is getting killed; it's me. And you're the ones who kill me. The last thing I see before you pull the trigger is the smiles on your faces." They both were staring at her when she finished. Faith didn't know what to expect, except for the fact that tears had started to swell in her eyes.

Dean was the one who broke the silence, "Faith, you know, you would never kill us and we would never hurt you ever."

"But that's the thing," she started, "you already have hurt me." She looked at Sam with desperate eyes.

Sam had risen from his bed and stood next to her, "I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen, ever." He spread his arms out as if to hug her and surprisingly, she embraced it. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Faith had to stand on her toes to reach his neck. She started to cry into Sam's shoulder. Sam wrapped his arms tighter around her and buried his face into her neck. She let him go and turned around to find Dean with tears on his face. She hugged him the same way she hugged Sam. He let her go and looked at the two of them.

"Well, at least that's out of the way," Dean said with a laugh as he wiped away his tears. Sam was crying now too.

Faith looked at Sam and said, "You know this doesn't change anything. I'm still pissed at you."

Sam laughed before replying, "Ok, you can be pissed atme for as long as you want." It was certainly a night to remember, for all ofthem. It was something all of them would remember for a long time.

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