That's Harsh.

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"You're lying"Kyle said in a quiet tone

"Out of all the things you've witnessed me doing in my life why would I be lying about something as stupid as this?
There just wouldn't be any point.
No chaos,no drama,no nothing."

This hurt Kyle a little bit, "stupid?" his eyes darkened.He apologizes to me about being an asshole and then he does it again?
Kyle averted his eyes away from Cartman.

"Well if it's so stupid,there wouldn't be any point for you to find out in the first place!"

"Actually there is a point,and it's because I'm curious,duh.If you heard me sleep talking about
you I bet you would be just as curious as I am.
and did you just admit that what I'm saying is true?,
About time."

Kyle gritted his teeth.

Just as Kyle was about to reply they saw Cartman's mom walk downstairs.

"Hello boys!I see that you two woke up early,
Do you want me to make some breakfast for the both of you?"

Cartman sighs in frustration
"No mom,we already ate."

"Oh,all right hon."

Cartman watched Kyle walk away from him to go upstairs.
Cartman took off his apron and followed him.
He didn't want this argument to end just like that,and Kyle knew this.
The boys went to his bedroom.
They sat on the bed and faced eachother.

"You didn't answer my question Kahl."

"I don't need to."Kyle said with a low tone.

"And why is that?"

"Because I didn't dream about you."

Cartman's face leans close to Kyle's face and with a blank expression too.Kyle got confused by this but stood still.

"Kahl?"He said with a serious tone.


"There's three reasons why I know for a fact that you dreamed of me.


I witnessed you sleeping talking about me.


You acted quite offended when I was shit talking about you dreaming about me.

And 3,

I can see you shaking.
You're shaking exactly like Tweek.
I can even hear the shaking in your voice.
Shaking is a pretty clear indication that someone is lying Kahl,ironic don't you think?
And here you are now,accusing me of lying.
I think if anyone is lying here,it's you.

So spit it out already jew."

Cartman's words made this point fingers at Kyle, thus fazing Kyle in the process.
Kyle looked at his hands,Cartman was right.
He was shaking immensely.
Kyle was terrible was lying.
How was Cartman so straight forward with this?
Now Kyle went from angry to nervous,to down right full of despair.He watched Cartman look at him.Seeing that Cartman had an emotionless expression,he didn't know how to respond.
It was too much tension for him.
"I'm sorry."
Kyle's eyes,darkening again,looking down on the bed covers and gripping it tightly as if he were apologizing to it instead of Cartman himself.

"I believe I'm sorry isn't a proper response to a question."

Kyle got out of Cartman's bed,completely ignoring his response.He went to go open Cartman's door,but it was locked.
Since when the hell did he decide to get a lock?
He looked back at Cartman,petrified.

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