Stupid brain of mine

Start from the beginning

He looks over to the girls, who could care less what we're talking about. "Prove to me that you're still fun even when she's around because I honestly think she's trying to change you." I shrug, "How do you want me to prove it?" He smirks.

When he leans in to whisper in my ear, I back away and he laughs. "You know how we play Blurred Lines, I dare you to get up on the table now and dance."

I wipe my eyes again. "That would just prove stupidity." He chuckles. "No, because the old Adam would've done this dare without second thought."

We look at Peyton now and I take in a breath. "Besides, there's the winter formal coming up and you could ask her to go with you if you choose a certain song to sing and dance too. It would definitely say something." I tap my chin, "Okay, deal. On one condition, you get up there with me and ask LeAnna to the formal." I wink at him and he turns his head away, "Why would I--" I scoff, "It's pretty obvious and I've been asleep half the day. Deal or no deal?"

And that is how we both end up on the cafeteria table doing the same dance moves to The Temptations' song My Girl while singing it.

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Won't you be my girl (my girl)?

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.

I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.

Well, I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Won't you be my girl (my girl)?

Hey hey hey

Hey hey hey


At the 'ooooh' part we walk off the table and everyone in the cafeteria claps, including the girls who we sang too--Peyton and LeAnna. They seemed to know we were serenading them, which makes them laugh. Trevor and I both bend down on one knee and take their hands and ask them to go to the dance with us. The whole cafeteria -- quite literally --erupts into "awe"s and I try to hold my blush when I see it occurs on Peyton's face.

Needless to say, they both said yes. Score!

"See?" I say to Trevor. "I'm still fun when Peyton's around." He nods, knowing I'm right, "At least that woke you up; you're not tired looking anymore."


More homework to do that night equals major headache followed by lack of eating. Let me just say, football practice did not help the matter.

"Adam, you need to eat. I can't believe I'm saying this, but put the homework down and come watch TV with us." I laugh at my mom standing in my doorway, "Sure mom, you want to write this last essay for me? That'd be greatly appreciated." She smacks my hand that's holding the pencil. My mom has never been violent but I'm scared when I see the look in her eyes. "Come down stairs. Now."

And that, everyone, is how I became scared of my mother.

I follow her down stairs and she gives me a plate of spaghetti and I join the rest of the family in our small livingroom. Some reality show is on and that's all I know before my head starts to bob forward and my head wounds up in my spaghetti plate.


"How are you feeling?" A woman I do not recognize stands beside my bed--wait this isn't my bed. Where am I? Ah, what happened to my head? It hurts too bad to even think.

"You had quite a spell. We're prescribing you some antibiotics now--"

"Whoa. Tell me what happened first."

She puts her hand to her mouth. "You've not been eating, correct?"

"Mhhm." I respond.

"Or sleeping?"

"Mhhm." I say again.

"And now you're on the football team? You over did it last night, Adam, and you passed out. You're parents took you to the hospital."

"What? But I have to go to school this morning! There's a test! And I have to turn in a paper! And there's a game today, too!"

She shakes her head, "I'm sorry, Adam, but some people just can't juggle both activities, and you're one of those people. You need to choose between football and A.P classes. That stuff is too advanced on your mind for you to be playing football too."

Oh my gosh. How did I let this happen? I was so determined to show everyone I was smart, that I forgot what the main purpose of my class rank was--to help Peyton get into a good college. And so I will drop out of my A.P classes and continue to be on the football team and go back to my old ways. But this time, I'll still be smart, and I'll show it. But my main focus now is to get Peyton to a good college. Nothing more, nothing less.

Stupid brain of mine! Why can I only be really smart or really dumb?

The rest of my day is quiet as I finally get some sleep.


Hey guys! So I didn't even plan on Adam going to the threw me for a curve too. But it actually still works into my plans so nothing has changed or gone astray so keep reading if you like the plot! Now that Adam has once again changed his mind, he's going to go back to his old ways and maybe worse. That's all I can say.

So my friend @MackenzieKoenig (follow her, btw) says she ships Peyton and Adam....I have a few ship names recommended from her and my other friend @Hannah_cole(follow her too). They are:




I also will not be able to write next week but I do have another chapter typed up for me to post when I get back.

Hope you enjoy! Let me know which ship name you like best!

Always, Sunny ;)

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