"Well then, you're going to have to remember three things," Magnus said. "What the book is, where it is, and where you were taken during the month you were missing. I believe that Lupus would have taken everyone else to that location as well." Will rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hand, groaning in frustration and panic.

"How am I meant to known these things if I can't remember them?!" he cried out, punching the chair. "My sister, my parabatai and the girl that I'm in love with have all been taken, not to mention Gideon who is an extremely honourable Shadowhunter!"

"What about Gabriel?" Magnus asked raising an eyebrow.

"Gabriel Lupus can keep," Will muttered. "Let the Lightworm talk him to death for all I care."

"Will!" Magnus exclaimed.

"All right, all right!" he yelled. "I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed out at the moment!" He took a deep breath, leaning on the back of the chair to keep himself upright. God, what was he going to do? He racked his brains, trying to think of what he had to do to rescue them all. But at that moment, there was only one thing he was sure about.

Ever since he had woken up in the infirmary that day, Jem and Tessa had been there from the start. No matter how desperate he got or how helpless he was, they never gave up on him. Even when Jem became ill, he still went above and beyond to help him. That was something Will was sure he would never repay. But for him, there was only thing that mattered now.

"I have to rescue them," he said to Magnus, turning to face the warlock. "No matter how long it takes or what the cost is, I have to rescue them. I don't can if I die while doing it. As long as they get to live." Magnus looked grave but nodded. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small vile filled with blue liquid.

"Let's get that demon out of you head then."

-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-

When Jem opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the burning sensation that shot up his wrists and arms. He groaned, lifting his hands only to realise that they had been shackled together by thick, black chains that were fixed to a hook in the floor. Bars rose up around him menacingly and Jem suddenly knew where he was.

Will's cell.

"I see you are awake," a voice said. Jem jerked his head up and scrambled to his feet, facing the masked man that stood outside the bars. He wore exactly what he had been wearing in Will's memory with the same jewel encrusted cane in his hands.

"I presume that you are Mr Lupus," Jem said as calmly as he could. "Will has told me a bit about you."

"Not a lot, I believe, considering his slight memory problem," Lupus replied, shifting the bronze wolf mask slightly. There was a slight tint of humour in his voice but Jem knew how his demeanour now could easily shift into rage at any moment. "But I don't want to talk about Mr Herondale. I want to talk about you, Mr Carstairs."

"Me?" Jem asked. "Why on Earth would you want to talk about me? I'm nothing special." Lupus chuckled a little.

"You see, I have to disagree with you there," he said. "Forgive me if I sound too enthusiastic, but I am a distant admire of yours, Mr Carstairs. Your story interests me greatly." Jem eyed him carefully, watching as Lupus paced around the square cell as he talked.

Finding Will Herondale (TID fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें