Meeting and Reuniting

Start from the beginning

Blake was at a loss. (Y/N)'s voice sounded less gentle and he didn't stutter once that entire last part. It was as if he was a completely different person.

Just then, a hologram of a woman appeared on the window behind them. She had light-blonde hair that was tied back into a bun with a curl dangling on the right side of her face. Her bright green eyes were covered by a pair of thin, ovular glasses. She also had on dangling teal earrings and a silver necklace with a teal witch hat as a pendant. (Y/N) smiled at the sight of the familiar face.

Blake was in the middle of tying her bow when the woman began speaking.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon," she greeted plainly, "My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy."

Blake and (Y/N) were attentive to Glynda while some ignored her and continued talking. (Y/N) swore he could hear someone whistle a tune before saying either to themselves or their friends, "That's one hot babe! I just wanna," and that was where he began to tune them out, disgust written on his face. Blake had a similar reaction, but it was combined with annoyance.

"Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and it is your duty as future Huntsmen and Huntresses to uphold that peace."

A loud, obnoxious, female laughter then echoed through the ship.

"Damn straight! I'm gonna be the best huntress that ever was!" The voice shouted.

Blake and (Y/N) looked each other with dead expressions before they both face-palmed.

"They're clearly overcompensating for something," Blake joked as (Y/N) hummed in agreement.

"You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world," she concluded as the hologram disappeared.

For the rest of the ride, Blake read her book and (Y/N) played his game and put his headphones back on, but kept the right earmuff off, just in case Blake wanted to say something.

— This short time skip is brought to you by chibi Blake drooling over tuna —

In the midst of the ride, the two heard a pair of girls cry out in disgust as a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was running around with a hand over his mouth and the other on his stomach. His face was a distinct, sickly-green color. They looked at each other and shrugged before returning to their activities.

The pilot then turned on the speakers, causing them to ring with a tune which caught everyone's attention.

"If you haven't already, now would be a good time to put your luggage in one of the cubbies that are in the seats, so that way you don't have to hold it all day," the pilot recommended. "Don't worry," they continued, "you will have it before you go to sleep tonight. We'll make sure of it." With that, the speakers shut off, possibly for the last time.

Everybody began to store their items away, not wanting to lug them around all day. Even the people outside came in to put their suitcases away. The only ones that didn't put their things away were the white-haired girl from before and (Y/N). She didn't put them away because she had her earbuds in, most likely listening to music. He didn't because he was still eating.

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