Chapter 19 (Tris)

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I realized as I started this chapter that I had originally chosen to put Marlene as a tatoo artist, so I went back to that chapter, chapter 3, and amended that. Now it shows her deciding to be a doctor.

Had I known beforehand that I was pregnant, I would have went straight to the infirmary to be checked when the pains started, but I didn't, so I didn't. No matter the means, I was just glad to finally be a mother and have little Tony. Everything about Tony looked like Tobias except his hair, he got that from me, and I could already tell that women would be falling all over him in the future.

Once Marlene had cleaned him up, Tony was handed to Tobias so he could hold him before the mob insisted on holding him. The mob consisted of all our friends, from Zeke and Shauna to the newly engaged Chris and Will, and of course, my family was part of it. Destiny now knowing who I was, if not knowing who her brother was, stood at the front of the group with my parents and Caleb. Mom wanted to hold him first. It took forever, but everyone finally left so that I could rest easy knowing my baby was back in my arms.

"What are we going to do about initiation?" I asked Tobias sleepily as I let Tony nurse.

Tobias smiled, "I've done the fear simulations alone before and I'm more than happy to deal with them alone again, but when we get to the Fear Landscapes, either beg Lynn to let the initiates to go through hers, or I can hold Tony while they go through yours."

"I'll go through mine with the Transfers only. Lynn can deal with the Dauntless Borns," I replied almost nodding off.

When Tony was finished eating, Tobias gently picked him up and placed him in the bastinet Marlene had put in our room. After setting Tony down, he went to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked almost panicky. I really didn't want him to leave me because I kinda couldn't sleep without him, and I was really tired.

Tobias smiled, "I'm just going to get some clothes for both of us since you need to stay for a couple days. I'm not going to worry about clothes for Tony. You know as well as I do, Chrisitina is probably already out buying half the baby clothes the pit has for him."

"Yeah, she probably is," I laughed stifiling a yawn. "Just hurry back, I'm tired."

Tobias smiled and walked off to our apartment, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay awake long enough for him to get back. The next two days were pure torture as I couldn't leave the infirmary. Marlene was in and out of the room to keep me company when she wasn't busy, but in Dauntless, there's always one person or another getting hurt. When Tobias would get back from the simulations, he'd be just as tired as I was even though he wasn't the one waking up every half hour to feed or change Tony. Then again, he did have to deal with screaming initiates all day, and didn't have a break except lunch which he spent in the room with me. Destiny, he learned through the simulations, was indeed Divergent, and he was working with her on not letting it show. The only odd thing about Destiny was that her aptitude test results were only Dauntless just as Tobias's were merely Abnegation, but weren't changed to Abnegation like mine were.

Just as we had thought, Christina bought so many clothes for Tony, and we weren't exactly sure where she, as a mere department store clerk, was able to get that much money, but we didn't ask any questions, and when I was finally let out of the infirmary, Tobias said he had a surprise for Tony and I.

So yeah, I realize I'm doing a lot more Author's Notes than I'd like to be doing, but anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I wouldn't know since I'm not getting any comments. I give you guys like a chapter a day, and I get nothing in return. No beautiful comments to make my day. Nothing. Not even a comment of "This story sucks." Do you guys just not like commenting? Why won't you comment?

Anyways, come the week between the 23rd of June and the 2nd of July, I will not be posting any chapters because I'll be on vacation. I hope you don't mind.

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