Chapter 12 (Tobias)

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On the side is Christina's Dress.

After breakfast, Chris pulled Tris away so fast we barely got the chance to get in a quick peck on the lips. Zeke and I went to the store looking for suits and merely got the typical all black dauntless tuxes, but we weren't allowed to get ties until Chris told us what color to get, so after getting the tuxes, we put them away and started messing around near the Chasm. Christina found us just before lunch time and dragged us off to get the right color ties, red, well at least it wasn't amity red.

After dinner, Will, Uriah, Zeke and I found ourselves in my apartment playing Candor or Dauntless, and everyone was getting drunk, except me; I didn't want to be hung over at my wedding. The next morning, I was up bright and early and decided to piss my friends off by dumping a bucket load of water on them. Good thing they were all on the stone floor of my living room, so it'd be easy to dry up.

"What the Hell, Man!" all three of my very hung over friends grumbled.

"You're the idiots that chose to get drunk last night, not me," I laughed. "It's time to start getting ready for the wedding."

There were a few mumbled complaints from Zeke, and Uriah and Will were fighting over who got to throw up in the toilet and who got the shower. I'm not sure who won the toilet, but they sure were heaving it up. It was a good thing I had taken my shower before I woke them. I ran down to the cafeteria and grabbed a trey of Dauntless Cake and mugs of coffee, those tended to help at least Zeke with hangovers, I wasn't sure about Uriah and Will, but it was their choice. Once everyone was done with their breakfast, in the three drunks' cases, just the mug of coffee, we started getting dressed. I was so nervous about the wedding. What if I mess up? What if Tris changes her mind?

"She won't change her mind, Four," Zeke said scrutinizing me, or maybe he was squinting out the light as he was still a bit hung over.

"Was I...."

"No, it's written all over your face, you don't need to voice the worry. Trust me, Four everything's gonna be great, and your gonna have the night of your life afterwards," Zeke waggled his eyebrows.

I blushed hard, "Just shut up, Zeke, so we can get to the Chasm."

He waggled  his eyebrows once more and we headed off to the Chasm where we would stand and wait for Tris and Christina. There was no more talk about Tris and I, and my nerves only seemed to get worse and worse. After what felt like forever, I saw them coming. First was Christina in a strapless red dress that I'm sure Will probably liked and would ask her to wear it often, and just as she reached the alter, I looked back to the doorway, and my breath caught.

Tris was wearing a floor length gown that looked almost like a traditional Abnegation dress except Abnegation dresses didn't have the red bodice and back like hers did, along with the fact that there was also too much skin exposed up top for anything Abnegation.To say the least, she looked stunning. It took every ounce of self control not to run up to her and kiss her right then and there, but I had to wait for her to reach me, I had to wait until Max said the five most beautiful words in the world. I couldn't wait for her to be my wife, to be my Mrs. Fourtris, yes, we came up with a new last name for us instead of taking either of our parents' last names, and yes, it's merely a mix of my nick name and her nick name, but it fits us, and that's what matters.

Everything was washed away as I stared at her, and I almost didn't hear when Max said, "Four, do you promise to Love Tris, forever and always, do you promise to protect her no matter what, and do you promise to take care of her in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do," I smiled sliding the ring Zeke handed me onto Tris's finger with her engagement ring.

Max then asked Tris the same question, and she replied, "I do," before placiing my ring on me where it would never come off. Ever.

"Four, you may now kiss your bride," Max beamed, maybe he's not such a bad leader after all.

I wasted no time in doing exactly as I was told. I kissed Tris passionately until I heard some cat calls causing me to remember that there were others here. "Later," I whispered to her.

We smiled broadly as Max announced, "I give you, Four and Tris Fourtris!"

With that we headed off to the cafeteria for the reception and Dauntless cake.

I know this one is short, but I wanted it that way cause even though I'm not going into detail, I still feel weird describing even the leading up to it in a guy's PoV.

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