Chapter 1 (Tris)

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This time I know it's my mother's hand, drawing me into her arms, and I go gladly into her embrace.

Opening my eyes, I find myself hugging Will, "Is this Heaven?"

Will smiles pulling away, "Glad you're finally out of the simulation; that hug you pulled me into after I woke was getting awkward."

As he speaks, I look around the room and see that I'm still in the Fear Landscape, but this time, chairs lined the room. On my right sat Christina, and the seat to my left was empty, I guess it belonged to Will. Across the room I saw Tobias; he had a pained look on his face, he must be telling Zeke and Hana about Uriah. I looked around again, and realize that Will, Christina, Tobias, Zeke, Shauna and I were the only people left. After a few minutes, Will turned to me again.

"Do you want to see what Four's seeing?" he asked. "Yeah, but first, what exactly is going on?"

"Well, apparently it's tradition for the Dauntless initiates to go through a war simulation so that they're ready if ever a war happens, or at least that's what Max told me. Four's group was somehow skipped two years ago, so they're getting theirs now with us. It's connected so that we're all in the same simulation. You wake after you die or your personality dies, like taking the memory serum or going into a coma that you won't wake from," he had grimaced when he said dies."

"I'm sorry I shot you, Will."

Will smiled, "You had no choice; I'd have killed you and then who would've saved the day?"

I laughed, "I guess you're right."

As I finished speaking, Tobias began to scream. "NO! NO! NO!" he yelled repeatedly. "SHE CAN'T BE DEAD! SHE CAN'T BE!" He had found out about my death.

The sound of his pain pierced my heart, and I ran to him trying to shake him out of the simulation. If he was Divergent like he said in the simulation, maybe I could wake him.

"You can't wake him," I heard Max behind me; he must have just walked in.

I turned to the Dauntless leader, and he handed me a small portable screen. "Is this like the screensfrom the Bureau in the simulation?" I asked.

"Yeah, Erudite just finished them a week ago. It'll allow you to view any of the remaining simulation points of view."

I nodded my thanks, and turned the screen on. I quickly found Tobias's point of view and watched as he stood before my body. Tears streamed down Simulation Tobias's face and and the real life Tobias's face as he held my body's hand telling me to wake up. I grabbed his hand and held it determined that I wouldn't let go until he woke so that the first thing he saw when he woke would be me.

The life I watched went by fast, and true to his love for me, no other woman stole his heart. I mean, I didn't want him to be alone, but it really made me feel special watching how he acted out the rest of his simulation. Zeke and Shauna woke around the same time, Zeke explained their simulation deaths to me after I told them what Max had told me. Apparently some guy went after Shauna and Zeke tried to protect her, but in the end, they both got shot. Christina woke a few minutes after them, but she wouldn't tell me what her simulation death was, and she left the room with Will, Zeke and Shauna leaving Tobias and I alone. I don't know how long I sat there watching Tobias live a full life in the simulation, but eventually, his simulation self died of old age, and he woke.

"Welcome back to the real world,sleepyhead," I smiled. "You've been going through a simulation since the end of my fear landscape; we all have."

"Tris?" he whispered unsure if I was really there.

I smiled and smashed my lips to his. Tobias was taken aback at first, but he soon began to kiss back sighing in content. All too soon, we pulled apart, and he just looked at me, "Is this a dream? I don't want it to be, but if it is, can it never end? Are you real?"

I laughed, "I am very real. I'm the realest person you're ever gonna meet." (A/N please comment if you get the reference. I just had to put that.) Then, I explained to him what Max had told me hours ago.

Tobias frowned at first, then he smiled a huge smile. "IT WASN'T REAL!" he exclaimed. "You didn't really die! I should have known it wasn't real. I couldn't live without you in reality." The last bit was quieter, but I still heard it.

"I love you, Tobias," I whispered.

Tobias smiled, "I love you too, Tris."

We kissed a little while longer before our stomachs growled in unison. I laughed and got off his lap to head for the dining area, hand in hand with Tobias.

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