Chapter Tristeen (Four)

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We all stood to congratulate Zeke, and he led us to the room where Shauna and Xilent were. Xilent was so adorable, and I couldn't help thinking how much I wanted to become a father, but also how much I feared it. Would I become like my father? Tris and I had been trying since the wedding, but nothing had come of it so far.

"I want one," Tris whispered to me as we stood back to let the others see him first.

I chuckled, "I know, Tris. So do I."

Once everyone had held him at least once, and in Tris's case twice, the doctor came in and shooed everyone except Zeke and Shauna so that mom and baby could rest.

The next day Tris and I taught the initiates how to shoot guns and throw knives.

"Today, we're starting with guns," Tris announced.

"What does.... yawn.... shooting a.... yawn.... gun.... yawn.... have to do with.... yawn.... bravery?" that stupid Candor boy, Jaden, asked, and before I could say anything, Tris had a gun and it was pointed at his head. Was she over her unease of holding a gun?

"You're holding a loaded gun," she growled. "Wake up and act like it!"

Jaden gulped and seemed to wake completely up, and as she turned so that the initiates couldn't see, I saw her hand tremble. Either it was adrenalin, or she wanted to look tough in front of the initiates. "Go ahead and put it down," I whispered as I walked over to the target. Tris nodded a thanks and I began instructing, "Now watch as I shoot the gun. Notice my stance," that probably was a bad chice of words considering the girls in this group who've been eyeing me, "how I aim and shoot."

All eyes were on me as I stood, feet shoulder width apart. Inhale. Aim. Exhale. Shoot. There was a collective gasp as I hit the exact dead center of the target. Apparently the girls were staring at me as Tris yelled, "Stop gawking and start shooting!"

I walked back over to her wondering what was going on. Tris is very protective of me, yes, but she seemed extra possessive in a way she never was. Girls would stare at me all the time, and she would barely take notice. Was she starting to feel like someone could take me away from her again? "What's the matter, Tris?" I asked as we watched the initiates shoot. Jaden was doing horrible with his aim, but neither Tris nor I went to help him. At least the little idiot was hitting the target.

"I don't know," Tris replied. "Jaden is really getting on my nerves and all the girls stare at you way too much. Maybe I'm just not cut out for training initiates. Even your own sister is staring at you like you're the most tasty piece of Dauntless Cake."

I looked over at Destiny; she didn't know who she was, who I was. "She seems to be a natural with the gun. I wonder if she'll be the next Dauntless Prodigy," I replied dodging the fact that my own sister seems to fancy me. (Okay, I heard that something like brother sister dating or something like that happens in Mortal Instruments, but I haven't read it, so please no spoilers. Now of course, this is just her finding her married brother hot, but I don't know exactly what goes on in Mortal Instruments, so please don't tell me because I would like to read them at some point.)

"Yeah. Everyone seems to be getting the hang of guns except Jaden. Sucks to be him."

"Lunch!" I called out around 11:30 so that the initiates would have time to head to the cafeteria. Tris and I walked in hand in hand because we wanted the initiates to start noticing us. The flirting was just getting a little too out of hand for my taste. After eating a quick lunch, we had time to check on Shauna, Zeke, and little Xilent. Everyone was fine, and we moved on to knife throwing at training.

"Why do you have a butter knife?" one of the Erudite twins, Megan I think, asked Tris curiously, to be honest, I was curious too.

Tris looked in her hand, "Oh, Peter must have put this with the throwing knives to mess with me." (I ship Peterknife!!!!)

I smiled slightly in understanding as Tris set the knife down and grabbed a proper throwing knife.

"Now, watch as Six throws the knife because you'll be doing it next," I told them watching her myself. We had agreed before initiation that I would work with the guns and she would show the knives so that she wouldn't have to touch a gun.

Tris stood just like she would or shooting a gun. Inhale. Aim. Exhale. Throw. Like always, Tris hit dead center. "Now, grab some knives and start throwing you Pansycakes!!!!" she hollered after finishing.

We watched them for a bit, and I noticed Jaden was still struggling terribly with his aim. Tris smirked evily.

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