Chapter 3 (Tris)

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Okay, first, I don't like to do Author's Notes, but when I do, they'll be bold, and second, I JUST REALIZED THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS WERE TWO PAGES LONG EACH!!!!!!!!!! I never get past one!!!!!!!!!! Now, on to the story.

Tobias pulled back from our kiss."I think I'll sleep on the couch for tonight," he said with a very husky voice.

Down on my thigh, I felt something hard, and I couldn't help but giggle at his predicament, "You know, I heard someone say at school once that cold showers help."

He nodded and rushed to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, and Tobias yelped from the cold. When he finally came out, I was giggling uncontrolably.

"I'm glad you find my discomfort so funny," he glared at me; it only succeded in turning m giggles into full out laughs.

"Sorry... I... just... can't... help... it," I told him between laughs. "Just... crawl... back... into... bed... and... I... Promise... not... to... kiss... you... until...morning."

After a few seconds, Tobias joined n my laughter, but I think he was laughing at how rediculous I was for laughing at him, and he crawled back into bed. His strong arms returned to their places around me, and just before I fell asleep, I stopped laughing and said, "I love you, Tobias. Good night." I thought I heard him say that he loved me too just as sleep took over.

I woke up early and carefully extricated myself from Tobias's arms trying not to wake him. My clothes were in the same place we had set them the night before, so I grabbed a pair of tight black jeans Christina had made me buy when she learned that Tobias and I were dating; she said they were called skinny jeans. Also grabbing a V'neck that showed off my ravens, I went to take a shower.

Tobias was just getting out of bed when I left the bathroom, and I noticed for the first time that he was shirtless.

"Like what you see?" he joked smirking.

"What? Feeling self conscoius and need a little reassurance?" I replied sweetly before rummaging through his very unkempt drawrs and pulling out some jeans and a shirt that looked like it'd be tight enough to show off his abs.

He laughed taking the clothes I handed him, "Go ahead and start putting your stuff away. You might want to put the dresses, that I'm sure Christina made you get, in the closet."

I began to go through the dresser. He had eight drawers and all of them had at lest one article of unfolded clothing, but some of the drawers were sticking out because of all the balled up clothing. Taking the initiative, I began to fold and organize his clothing putting his stuff in one side so that I could have the other. After putting the dresses in the closet as was suggested, Tobias walked out of the shower and we headed off to breakfast.

As we got to the dining area, he kissed me and reminded me that I would be announcing my job choice this morning, and tonight was Zeke's annual Candor or Dauntless party for the new Dauntless members. We walked into the room hand in hand, and he called the rest of the new dauntless to the front of the room.

"Now, it is time for our newest Dauntless members to choose their jobs. We will call them in rank order beginning with Tris. The open jobs are listed on the screen behind me," he said, and I looked to the screen.

The jobs open were one Dauntless Leader position, two control room spots, a position as a Doctor, two cooking jobs, one department store clerk position, two initiate trainer slots and three fence guard jobs.

"Tris," Tobias siled. "Come foreward and pick a job."

I stepped up next to him and said, "I choose Dauntless Leader and initiate trainer for transfers."

As I fnished speaking, I looked to the screen and saw that my name had appeared next to the jobs I had chosen. After me, Uriah chose to work in the control room with his brother and Tobias and so did Lynn who also chose to train the Dauntless-Born initiates. Marlene chose to be a doctor and surprisingly, Peter chose fence guard. Will wanted to cook and Christina jumped on the chance to be a Department store clerk. The Dauntless-Born in eighth, Drake I think his nae was, chose the other cooking job leaving the last two, Joe and Nate I believe, the fence guard jobs.

After we were finished choosing our jobs, Tobias handed out our apartment assignments and the keys, of course, mine was appartment 46, Tobias's apartment, and I grin before kissing him.

I swear, I'll be so mad if this chapter is only a page as I think it was around the same length in hand written pages as the other two. Yeah, I have like to chapter 9 or 10 handwritten, and I'm typing them up now, so we'll see how many I gat posted today. I hope you're enjoying the story.

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