-Sam x Reader: Stranded Deep (Part 2)

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One word - Four letters

Definition: the existence of an individual human being or animal.

We all have our own definition, our own ideas on what life really means.

What's your idea?


The white lights was blinding and the beeping slowly becoming stronger was maddening. His voice was like a symphony of harps flowing sweetly into my ears. I brought my arm up to my eyes to shield the light that was blinding me. Groaning, I felt the burn of my lungs fill with the crystal clear air that was floating around in my assumed hospital room. Coughing, I tried to sit up unaware of the groggy protests that filled my ears. Staring, at the hazel eyes that met my own.

"Y/n.. hey sweetheart." Sam Winchester. I was confused. The last thing I remember was laying on the snow covered ground in a desolate forest in northern Alaska. "What's going on Sam?" I look around the room. Only noticing that Dean, a doctor and nurse I presume stood around my hospital room. I felt a pour of emotions rush through me as I realize my best friend since birth was not here. Chelsea was gone, dead.

I started to cry. I saw Sam get up from his seat and slowly get into my bed with me, calming me. "She's gone." I cried out as he held me close. "I know baby. It's going to be okay." Sam kissed the top of my head. "Mrs.Winchester, I'm terribly sorry for your losses. We'll give you some time." That had caught my attention.


I only loss one person, my best friend. "Losses? Sir wait." Dean stepped in front of the doctor, blocking his exit strategy. "Mrs.Winchester-" "Call me Y/n." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "Y/n... I'm sorry to inform you under these circumstances but while in surgery a choice there were complications with your pregnancy." I felt my heart fall from my chest to the bottom of my stomach.

"Pregnancy?" I felt Sams grip tighten around my whole body, his voice quivering. "Yes pregnancy. Y/n you must have known you were four months pregnant." The doctors face contorted into a seldom feature. "You've got me mistaken Doctor." He shook his head in disagreement. "I'm sorry Y/n. Excuse me." Silence fell after the door closed. "Y/n." Dean came to the foot of my bed. I looked up at him through my lashes.

"I.. Sam?" Sam had tear stains running down his cheeks. I looked at Dean as he came over, kissed my forehead whispering, "It's going to be okay Darlin'" then leave the room. Sam got up from the bed and looked out the window. It was dark so he could only see the reflection of his own sorrows. "It's mean, it makes sense. You know, throwing up for a couple weeks straight two or three months ago. Some weird cravings the last couple weeks..."

I didn't have tears streaming down my face anymore. I felt like a very strong force of anger course through my whole body. I sat up slowly, leaning foward, I held my head in my hands. I heard light footsteps come from the direction where Sam stood. "We need to leave. We need to get Chelsea's body and go home. I can't be here anymore." I went to get up but felt a sharp pain come from my side. "No you're staying here. Dean already put her body in the back of the Impala. You need to stay here because we can't move you because your stitches could rip if you move. I can't loose you. I- We already loss too many people. I'm not loosing you too."

Sam held my face in his hands. His gaze burning into my own. "It's just for a couple more days baby. Okay? Dean will go and give Chels a proper funeral then he'll bring some clothes for us becasue I'm not leaving you. I just- I can't." I tugged him closer, motioning for him to lay down with me. "A couple more days?" I asked as he laid his head on my chest. He nodded not saying a word.

"Okay so today Y/n, we are going to get you all ready for discharge. How do you feel?" Dr. Beverly came over to wear I was sitting in the chair near my window. Sam went to go get some clothes from the Impala with Dean. "I feel okay. I don't think I asked you this but do you have any ultrasound pictures of my baby? I know Sam said he would handle all that stuff because he didn't want to put so much pressure on me." He smiled and opened up his folder that was in his hands.

"Here you go. I know it's not much but it's something. Again Y/n, I am so very sorry for your loss and I wish you well. You will need a check up appointment in a couple weeks to see how well that leg is healing and that wound on your side. You can call or set up the appointment with the front desk. Goodbye Mrs.Winchester." He leaves the room as I place a hand over my stomach, learning at the untrasound pictures. "May we meet again."

On the road again. The Impala was fixed and my leg was healed. It took a while but here we are. It was just Sam, Dean and myself on the road again heading towards yet another hunt. "Hey Dean I think we missed the turn." I said as I looked at the map. "I know where we're going sweetheart. Don't worry." I heard sputtering come from the front of the Impala. "Son of bitch..." Dean says, pulling over into the dirt. I see white smoke coming from under the hood.

Dean shut off the Impala, quickly got out and popped the hood of the Impala. Sam chuckled, turning in his seat. "Wanna go for a walk? I think he'll be here for a while." I smiled and opened the door. I stepped out of the Impala as Sam shut his door. I shut mine and laced my fingers through his. "Don't go to far. It's not going to take me to long to cool her down."

Dean yelled as we walked away. I giggled as Sam pulled me closer. "So I was going to do this later. I didn't really have a plan but I just feel like I should ask right now." We were about fifteen feet away from the Impala when Sam stopped us from walking. "Sam?" He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a tiny box. He got down on one knee and held my hands in his. "I love you. I know a lot of shit has happend. The crash, Chelsea and our baby boy but I need you to know that I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. Please... Will you marry me?" I gasped and brought a hand up to cover my mouth.

A/n: Comments?

-frankie ♡

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