-Dean x Reader: Scared to be lonely. (Part 2)

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"Dean?" My voice cracked as I looked at him. He lifted his head and spun to look right at me. I started walking towards him. He opened his mouth to say something, "Go back inside Y/n. Leave me alone." I froze in my spot and just folded my arms around me to keep warm. My heart felt cold. He turned away from me. I walked up behind him and touched his shoulder. He shoved me backwards, "Just don't Y/n!" He yelled as I fell right onto my ass. He turned to look at me and saw what had just happend he went to help me up but I just told him, "No Dean! Don't fucking touch me!" Then got up but failed as a sharp pain went through my ankle. I felt two strong arms pull me up, but it wasn't Dean. It was Sam. "Y/n I'm so-" Dean was hushed by Sams loud booming voice. "Dean just stop. Look what you already did." Sam picked me up bridal style as I felt some tears prick my eyes. This is so fucked up.

How did we get here?


Reader's POV

For the rest of the day the guys left me in the room and went around town finding out information and other things while I sat in the room icing and resting my ankle. Sam had suggested that I was better off getting my own room that night when he only came back. I hadn't expected Dean to talk to me or even come back tonight. Sam went to the office and came back with a key to the room next to them. He tried carrying me but I just pushed him off me gently and limped to next door while he was in tow with my bags.

Once I was settled on the double bed Sam spoke up. "Do you want me to stay here with you for a little bit? Do you need anything?" His voice was barely audible. I shook my head, "You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll be okay Sam. I just need some sleep." He smiled and nodded, "Just call if you need anything. I'm serious Y/n, anything." I nodded and he left the room. I looked at the clock in my phone. It read '11:47 pm'. I plugged my phone in the laid back on the hard mattress. Then darkness snuck up on me and I was soundly asleep.

My dreams seemed to have been portrayed as a blur when the loud knocking sound came from the motel door. My eyes opened and I automatically looked at the time. It read, '2:23 am'. The knocking didn't stop until I gripped the handle and ripped open the door to see who had the indecency to wake me up at this hour. Of course it had to be the one and only Dean Winchester. His candy apple green eyes stared into my own e/c ones. "I am so fucking sorry." His voice was stern but broken and slurred. He was completely smashed. I could see the tear stains on his cheeks from earlier. I could see more tears welling up in his eyes that were bloodshot. I didn't continue to look at him. I just stared at the ground.

I just shook my head and went to slam the door in his face. "Baby- Y/n wait." He put his foot in the door and used his wait against my own to hold the door open. "Let me explain." I chuckled softly. "Explain what Dean? Explain how you ran off without an explanation or how you reacted like the biggest asshole ever when I went after you. Oh wait maybe you can explain-" the door was shoved open and his hands found my face. His lips connected with mine and it was rough and soft at the same time. Our lips moved in motions as our bodies moved back towards the bed. Dean shut the door with his foot and continued supporting us as we fell back onto the bed. The pain in my ankle seemed to be nonexistent at this point. I moved so I was on top of his lap. I went to grip the trim of his shirt to come off but he pulled away and he said, "Y/n wait."

We both were breathing heavily. Our eyes connected and he started to speak. "I came here to explain how fucking much I love you and how I am in fucking love with you. I'm sorry that I hurt you like I did. I didn't mean to literally push you away but I was freaking out." He let out a breath and I just giggled like a school girl. "I was freaking out because I never felt like this for anyone ever. Baby I want us to be okay-" I cut him off by kissing his lips softly. "I love you too Dean." He just looked at me for what seemed like the longest time in my life. "You do? Even after what I did to you?" I nodded and spoke, "I do Dean. I am in love with you and when you pushed me away it hurt but then after you both left for the day, I realized that maybe you needed time." He started leaving kisses on my neck while I spoke. "Dean." I moaned out as Dean had gone lower and lower.

I pushed him away from me slightly so I could look at him. "Maybe we should get some sleep." He smiled and nodded. He pushed off his boots then his shirt and jeans. He shut off the lamp and crawled in next to me. He pulled me towards his chest and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until my eyes closed and all I saw was darkness.

The loud knocking coming from the door is what woke me up. "Dean get the door." I spoke but there was no warmth beside me. The knocking at the door seemed to have become louder. It must have been a dream. A really great fucking dream. I huffed and got up from the bed and walked over to the door. I opened it and Sam stood there with coffee. I let him in and closed the door behind him. "Did you sleep good?" Sam asked as he handed me a cup. I smiled then nodded. "Did Dean come back last night?" He shook his head no. Silence filled the room. Sam spoke once again to lighten the mood.

"Are you able to go out with me and speak to more people about the case? Or is you ankle still hurting you?" I said, "I can go. The pain isn't that bad. Just let me get dressed. I'll meet you next door in like five minutes." He nodded and left the room. I looked at the bed and then next to the side where Dean had been in my dream. I saw something sticking out from underneath the bed. I gripped the fabric and pulled it out. It was Deans shirt. So Dean was here last night? If he was here, then where was he?


(There is part 2. Obviously there is gonna be a part three. Just hold on. I go home next week from vacation so it might be out next week. Please vote, comment and share. It means a lot.)
(Credit to me *Via Wattpad*)

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