-Dean x Brandi: Faded

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Requested by: Speedy_Squirrel

Set/time: End of season 9

Warnings: Angst, Loss, Major Character Death, Fluff (yes that is a warning), Slightly smutty, pregnant reader, Demon Dean

Italics is flashbacks


If a word can describe it, then it must be true.


It was never perfect. It was never white picket fence, apple pie life perfect but it was something. He was something. He was someone to love. Dean was someone to love. I always knew, deep deep down inside, I wouldn't be able to have him forever but I never thought the time I had with him would be halted by the sharp stab of a knife to his chest.

I never thought I would miss his warmth laying next to me on the bed until it really hit me. The smell of his life radiates through the bunker and the Impala like the flow of angle grace that radiates through Castiel.


It was cold today. It's nearing the end of November and all I could do was think of his candy apple green eyes, his mess short brownish blonde hair, the way his biceps would strain while he worked on the Impala. He was all I ever wished for and he wasn't here. His demon was.

His candy apple green eyes replaced with bottomless pit black ones. He pouty kissable lips now replaced by a evil mischievous smirk. His whole persona was more of a serial killer and less of a big brother and boyfriend. Dean is or should I put it as was, dead.

The image of metatron killing the love of my life still tattooed to my brain is what kept me up at night. When I did sleep that's all I would see. Sam, Sam was holding strong. He would comfort me every now and again when he wasn't on a blood hunt to try and track down his older brother from every bar or strip club where him and Crowley seemed to live.

I took out my phone and stared at my wallpaper.

"Come on Sammy, just take the damn picture already." Sam huffed and told Dean and I to stand a little closer. With smiles on our ugly mugs the quick click of the shitty phone camera shuttered. I took the phone from Sam and smiled. Sam mumbled something about going out to get some dinner and that he'll be back later. I sat back down onto the hard wooded chair in the MOL bunker.

"Let me see it B." Dean waltzed up behind me and quickly scooped the phone from my grasp. "Don't we look adorable." I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. Dean handed me the phone back and kissed my cheek. "I can't wait till he comes." Dean pulled up a chair next to me and placed a hand on top of my own.

"Just a couple more months."

I smiled remembering the small memory. I placed a hand on top of my very pregnant stomach and said, "Just a couple more weeks baby boy." I felt a small bump hit my hand, tears seemed to have slipped from my eyes. I got up and started walking to my room. My eyes immediately landing on the small mattress.

"We don't have to do this if you don't feel like you're ready B. I want our first time together to be special. I want to make you feel good baby." Deans voice rang out like church bells ringing on Sunday. He sat on top of me, pinning me to the bed. I sat up the best I could and captured his lips with my own. "Being with you is already special Dean. Please, I want this." I looked up into his eyes and kissed his cheek.

His hands came up and cradled me. He started by kissing my lips and then trailing down my neck, collar bone, through the middle of my bare chest. His kisses stopped when he reached my belt. He looked up into my eyes for confirmation. "Please Dean." He nodded and started to unbuckle the thin leather. I smiled and felt his kisses continue.

A pair of heavy boots clank in the hallway outside my door broke the memory from continuing. A small knock. "Brandi? You awake?" It was Sam. I stood up slowly and waddled over to the door. I pulled it open and stared at him. "What's up?" He smiled and said, "I found him." The smile faded from my face as I stared into his hazel eyes. "I want to see him."

My voice was horse. "I don't think-" I cut Sam off by saying, "Take me to him Sam! I want to see him." My voice came out cracked and loud. I felt tears prick my eyes when those words sounded like a truck horn. Sam nodded and took my hand. He walked me through a hallway then a door before stopping in front of a cabinet.

"Please don't get to close. You know he's not the same person as before." Sam said cautiously before hesitantly slid the cabinets open and then opened up one more door. My breath hitched when I saw him in that maroon flannel and black shirt tied to a chair with his head held low. I walked to the edge of the Devils trap. "Dean." I breathed out.

I wanted to touch him, to smell him, to kiss him but I couldn't. It all seemed sireal. His head rose and his eyes seemed to fade to black and stared into mine. "Hey, I was wondering when I would see the whore." I flinched at the choice words that slipped from his disheveled smirk. Sadness immediately filtered through me as he continued.

"Sammy should have kept you away Brandi." I looked back at Sam then Dean. "How do we fix him?" I felt Sams presence fixate behind me. "We need to get blood. Human blood. It seemed to work on Crowley so we start there. There's a blood drive going on in town. I'm going to make a run." Sam's hand wrapped around my arm and tugged me out to leave.

He closed the door and cabinets and then started talking again. "Please stay away from him while I'm gone. I don't want to leave you here but I don't really have a choice because you're already on your eight month mark. The baby could come any time now. He's not our Dean Brand. He'll kill you and the baby if he gets the chance. Just stay in your bedroom and lock the doors until I get back. Don't worry, we're going to figure this out." I nodded and we walked back to my room.

He hugged me and walked away. I heard the bunker door close as I shut my own door. I walked over to the bed and plopped down. I picked up the book I was currently reading which was named 'Twist and Shout'.. it is surprisingly amazing. The main characters remind me of some people I know.


>hey I know it's short but it's a part 1. I hope you like this little part. I'm sorry it's not a full request and has to be made into 2 part but I'm jammed with work and school so here's something. But as always, stay safe bros. Ttyl<

- frankie ♡

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