-Dean x Brandi: Skinwalker

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#1: Requested By- Speedy_Squirrel

Prompt- Sam and Dean find out Brandi is a Skinwalker. Dean stops Sam from killing Brandi. Brandi had no idea she was a Skinwalker.


"So get this. Three people found in separate locations in a small town with their hearts ripped out and nothing else wrong with them." Sam announced walking through the doorway of the kitchen. "Which small town is this?" I asked looking at Sam. "The town is called Easton. It's in Pennsylvania." I tilted my head to the side a little. "What is it Brandi?" I just shook my head. "I have some friends that live about an hour from Easton. Maybe we can stay there?" Dean nodded and said, "Sounds like a plan. Well you talk to them then lets get going." I nodded and took out my phone.

I dialed my friends number and it rang a couple times until I heard a familiar voice. "Damn Brandi I haven't heard from you in a while. What's up honey?" I smiled as I answered back, "Onyx I wish we were talking on a better note. It seems we have a problem in the Northeast and I need a favor." I heard him chuckle then sigh. "Anything for you doll. What do you need?" I replied, "My friends and I need a place to stay for a couple days. Mind lending us a hand?" I heard other voices in the background.

"I'm pretty sure we can make some arrangements. It's just you, Sam and Dean right? No Castiel? You know Angels give me the creeps." I chuckled and said, "Yeah it's just us. Frankie won't mind will she? I know her parents could be strict." There were more voices. "Brandi it's okay with me. My parents are out of town for two weeks and its just me and these three goons. But listen give me a ring when you get close. Gotta go, see yah later." The phone line cut out and I put it back in my pocket. I walked out of the kitchen and into my bedroom down the hall from Deans. Once I shut the door I started feeling weird. My head started spinning but it stopped after a few moments.

I just pushed it off as being sleep deprived. I grabbed my ready to go duffel and put on a pair of black boots. I grabbed a hoodie then shut the light off as I walked out of the room. I walked into the map room and Sam's eyes met with mine. "You get everything settled with your friends? We all good to go?" Dean asked coming in the room. "Yeah everything is all set. Here's the address." I handed it to Sam. He just looked at me like I had three heads. "Were your eyes always that color Brandi?" My natural eye color was a blue-ish green. "They're supposed to be blue-ish green like always." I took out my phone and opened up the camera. My eyes were grey.

"Well they're grey right now. Are you feeling okay?" I nodded, "I'm fine. Let's get going Frankie, Onyx, Chelsea and Niko are waiting for us. I'm sure it's just a fluke." I walked up the metal bunker stairs and out the heavy door. They didn't say anything so I just shrugged it off. I put my bag in the Impala's trunk then got in the backseat. I put my seatbelt on then saw Sam and Dean get in after me. "Pennsylvania here we come." The roar of the Impala sounded in the cool summer's morning. "It takes twenty hours. Might as well get some sleep Sammy. We're gonna be in here for a while." I said patting him on the shoulder.


It was dark outside, the sun had gone down about two hours ago and I can see the tiredness set on Dean's face. Sam had passed out about an hour ago. I had gotten a couple hours in before so I was wide awake. Dean started rubbing and tilting his neck. "I'm guessing your neck is hurting?" I came up behind his seat and lightly started rubbing his strong shoulders and neck. He flinched at first from the sudden contact but then relaxed. I saw in the rearview mirror that he had a smile on his face. The smell of his cologne tickled my nose as I saw Dean pull to the side of the road. "What are you doing? Why did you pull over?"

I asked holding my hands in place. "We're about three hours from Frankie's. Can I trust you not to crash my car into a tree?" I smiled and said yes. Dean and I traded places. He got into the back as I settled in the front. I adjusted the seat without disturbing Sam. I switched gears and pulled off of the side of the road. Dean leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Thanks sweetheart." I blushed and kept my eyes on the road occasionally glancing at Dean through the rearview mirror. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I put on some softer music and continued my way to Frankie's house.

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