Chapter 5

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"What is this thing called again?" I asked Sage with a curious expression on my face, staring at the strange glowing object in front of me.

"This thing is called a computer, and what we are on is the internet. You can search info on all sorts of stuff"

I sat down in a seat next to hers. The device she had in front of her looked like a thin box shaped object. It's screen lit up brightly. I knew she was talking to me like a small child, but I didn't bother me that much, because i was very confused, and I didn't know any thing about this "computer". There was a tiny arrow on the screen.

"And you can move that thing with uh, uh...?" I pointed to the arrow.

"Yep! With this mouse."

She shook an object that looked like half a circle. When she moved it on the wooden table we were sitting at, the arrow went back and forth on the glowing screen.

"Interesting. What's the purpose of a computer, like, why was it even invented?"

"Well, you can search different topics. You used to be able to find games and other things like that to have fun. Now, we use it to find info about the Sections because we don't have much information about them. We can hack into the governments system, and they don't know it. None of the Sections have access to the Internet anymore, right?"

"I've never heard of it" I actually think Section Three had some because Julianne said so...

After a brief silence, I heard Arren come down to the nook by the fireplace where the small table, the computer, and two chairs where at.

"You trying to teach her about all that computer crap, aren't you?" He raised an eyebrow.

Sage just rolled her eyes and went back to the computer, completely ignoring Arren.

"Hey, Hazel"


"Is your last name Darren?"

I looked at the screen, and right away I saw in big, dark letters : Darren, Hazel and Winter, Scarlet : Escaped From Section 2 Border. Code 3347

My eyes grew big. That means that Scarlet escaped too! Who knows what would happened to her. I wouldn't hesitate to think that I might be killed if I even tried to return home. No one in my Section ever comes even close to meeting a Society Soldier. I don't know how strict they could be, how cruel either. I desperately need to find Scarlet.

"I need to leave to find her," I said.

"What'd you say?" Both people where not paying attention.

"Never mind." If I would do this, I would have to escape in secret. Since I just came here, and the population of The Detachment is scarce, They can't risk letting me leave.

_ _ _ _ _

"It's time for dinner!" Said Sage

I was in the room they had recently given me, working out my plan to escape. Well, leave.

"Coming!" It's been 5 days since I've been to The Detachment.

I walked down the creaky floor boards to the kitchen, where I saw both Arren and Sage with heavy coats on and A backpack on Arren that I've seen him previously wear. It slummed down one shoulder.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I thought we were making diner. Where are we going?"

I didn't realize what a panic in I sounded until Sage said started talking.

"Calm down, every Sunday our section of The Detachment goes to the eating hall. It's pretty far from here."

"Then I guess we should leave now!" I said, wearing a false smile.

I put on a fuzzy borrowed coat from Sage, and we were off into the cold and darkness.

When we got there, I immediately smelt food. I rushed to where the containers of stews, breads, and salads where. Where do they get this food if they all live in the middle of nowhere?

Not being able to find Sage or Arren, I awkwardly searched the various tables looking for the friendliest looking person. I ended up sitting next to a girl that closely resembled Scarlet. She looked up at me before I sat down and smiled. After being quiet for a wile, I decided to ask the most obvious question of all.

"My name is Hazel. So, how did you get here?"

"Me? Are you talking to me?"

"I just got here yesterday. I met a nice lady named Julianne."

"Heh. Me too"

So, how did you say you got here again?

She takes a deep, shaky breath.
"I got here from Section Two. I came back from riding my bike into the city, and my family was gone. I was in total shock, and I ran and ran until my legs couldn't take it anymore. A girl led me back here, and I haven't left ever since."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I feel so bad."

"No, it's okay. I just really want to find Aspen. You know, we were really close."

"What did you say?"

My heart was pounding so much I couldn't hear what she was saying. I was sitting next to Aspen's sister, part of the family that I knew was my fault for causing so much pain for.

"You... you said his name was Aspen?"

I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, so I knew I caught her off guard.

"Yeah. Didn't I say that?"

"No, no! you did, it's just... never mind"

She wore a strange look on her face, but then turned silent.

Now that I looked at Pyrus, she did look quite like Aspen. She had his same deep skin tone and big dark eyes. The only major difference was her extremely curly hair.

"Sorry, I never asked for your name. what was it?"

"My full name is Pyruséa, but you can call my Pyrus; most people do."

Ash looked down at her lap, and then spoke up again. "Do you have any family?"

I chuckled. I defiantly didn't miss my heartless mom. I did, however, miss Scarlet.

"Not related to me, but I do have a very close friend that I could consider a sister."

"Is she here?"

"No, actually" I told her the whole story of how we got separated. But, I couldn't pay attention to my own words - all I could think of was Aspen.

I searched for Arren with my eyes as I told Pyrus that I had to leave. I quickly hurried away from the table. I hadn't even touched my plate, because I lost my appetite.

I found Arren in a group of people, actually having fun.

"I think I want to go back to the house," I said timidly to him. I would have said home, but that's not really what it is.

We were both quiet the whole way there.

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