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I sat on the side of the cracked dirty road to wait for dawn and a ride.  Anywhere was fine,  as long as it was some place new.  I wanted to be somewhere I could forget.  Someplace far from here. 

Blake was dead.  Emm was left behind. It was time to start over.  All my hopes for a normal seeming  relationship  had been  dashed against the rocks, disappearing  like  shadows in the harsh  light of reality.

I had sat there for almost an hour I think, wallowing in my self pity, when I heard strange movements from the woods behind me.  I didn't pay much attention at first. Coyotes in the countryside are common here. They avoid human and succubus contact. The rustle of leaves and cracking of branches kept coming nearer though. It wasn't the quiet rustling of coyote moving stealthily through the woods. I started to get nervous and stood up. I turned to look.

There he was as beautiful as he ever had been, standing in the starlight. My Blake. He was dressed in the same clothes he had hastily removed only a few hours before. He had his back pack slung over one shoulder and was wearing a smile. He stopped when he saw me turn and stared right back.  

"Was I so bad it made you run away?", he asked with a smile.

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. Instead I threw myself into his arms. I broke  down and lost it entirely. My eyes exploded into tears of happiness. Hard throbbing sobs wracked my body and I was squeezing him so tight I'm sure he couldn't breath. He didn't say a word. He seemed to sense something wonderful had happened and  he enveloped me in his arms and held me back as tightly as I was holding him.

"You are alive!",  I sobbed into his chest, "I didn't kill you, you are alive!"

Confessions of a Teen Age SuccubusWhere stories live. Discover now