Hunger Sated

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The rest of the school day was pure agony. 

I was running on empty and now that I had made the date with Mr. Geine my hunger was kicking in big time. Desire to gorge and consume was building with with anticipation of finally feeding again.

I have to budget my energies and conserve my talents to stay here. I like this town and I love Blake. I don't want to leave now. I might not want to leave ever if I can figure out how to work it all out, but I know better than to try to change the rules. It's not possible. If i want to stay with Blake I have to learn to live within the limits that have been set for me.

I burn through life force at a startlingly fast rate if I'm not careful. By curbing my emotions and using my power sparingly I can  put off feeding for months when I need to. My recent interactions with Blake had shot all that to hell.  I'm still not sure what happened or what causes the internal fire he ignites. All I  know is that the fire consumes a lot of my energy and I need to replenish myself soonest.

As I walked to the park I could feel my heightened senses throb. The feel of my clothing brushing over my flesh is pleasant agony. The wind blowing through my hair and brushing my skin feels like butterfly wings exciting tiny tingles of pleasure. Its almost time and the anticipation is killing me. I'm so sensitive I can smell bread baking in the factory across town, hear the bird songs from blocks away and even see the tiny insects gathered around the rose bush growing in front of the public library. I feel the heat building inside me and a small knot builds in my stomach.

Finally I got to the appointed place to keep my date with Mr. Geine. It took me a while to find it. Mr Geine's thoughts had been confused and scattered when I chose this place from his memories and the directions I pulled out weren't very clear. 

I sat on the bench facing the direction I knew he would come from. I was thinking about Blake and trying to figure out ways I could hold on to him and make it work when I saw dinner approaching. Immediately my need and desire flamed up, threatening to over whelm me. This was the dangerous part of any encounter. If I wished to remain safe I had to be careful. 

I glanced around the area and opened my senses fully to make sure we were alone, and when I did I sensed reluctance from Mr. Geine. Evidently his guilt was getting the better of him. I reacted by turning my body and  showing  myself off. I was open to his thoughts and gauged the effect I was having by the intensity of his emotion. It was working. I inhaled deeply and allowed the top button of my blouse to pop open giving him a good view of the top of my breasts. That sealed it. He was mine again.

He walked up all smiles, his eyes never left my chest. He sat on the bench next to me. He was carrying school books and papers and he set those on the table. 

My blood was screaming, my heart pounding. I felt tiny trickle of sweat start from my throat and run down between my breasts and my breath was coming in short quick gasps. I was at the edge of losing control. I calmed myself as much as possible and looked him in the eye. To hell with being coy. I wasn't going to be able to play this game much longer so I told him like it is.

"Mr Geine, we both know you aren't here to help me with homework".

The look of surprise on his face was priceless.

"We do? What is it you think I am here for?". His guilt started to kick in big time and he was afraid. For the first time he wasn't sure of his role in this. Was he prey or predator? Was this a trap? Should he pounce or should he run? Uncertainty was written all over his face, reflected in his eyes and the set of his jaw.

"Just shut up Mr. Geine and let's do it". I watched him react as I started unbuttoning my blouse. He still couldn't decide if he should  run, but it was too late for him. I was what he wanted and right now he wanted me more than anything. 

I sensed his excitement rising as I continued to undress. I removed my blouse. I stood up and slid my underwear down from beneath my skirt and stuffed them in his suit pocket. He was almost drooling by then. The bulge in his suite pants betrayed his level of excitement.

I took him.  I took him on the soft grass next to the picnic table. I pulled him down on top then rolled him under me. I rode him. I took everything he had to offer and then I took the rest of him too.

When I was finished, I lay collapsed on top of what remained of Mr. Geine. He didn't look the same any more. Just a shell of his former self with a smile fixed permanently on his dead lips. His glassed over eyes were fixed on some spot in heaven that I couldn't see. I reached down and closed them for him. I always do that.

I relaxed a moment and then I got quickly to work. Now was the highest chance  of being discovered. My senses were no longer running on high and being satiated I was more apt to be careless.

I searched his clothing for any trace of me or our meeting. I recovered my underwear from his suit pocket but found nothing else.  I went through his wallet and pocketed the cash I found. 

I didn't take time to read all the papers he left on the table. On the off chance I could be mentioned in his notes somewhere I simply shoved the entire pile in my book bag. I would burn them in the fireplace when I got home. 

Then I got dressed, straightened my hair and headed back to school. It was easy to get in without being seen. Maintenance was still cleaning the classrooms and the doors were unlocked. I crept into to Mr Geine's Social Studies class , grabbed all the papers I could find on and inside his desk and added them to my already stuffed book bag. Then I made good my escape.

Confessions of a Teen Age SuccubusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz