chapter eleven: start of a relationship

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Chapter 11: Start of a Relationship

Storm Chargers

Being crippled sucked. It was a world-wide known fact, that if you were unable to do something because of something being wrong with your body, either physically or mentally, than you tended to be looked down upon by people. Recovering Power Rangers were no exception, especially sense no one even knew the identity of the Rangers. But having a broken arm wasn't going to stop jac Scott from helping out. So, it wasn't a real surprise when the other Rangers got to Storm Chargers, some of them to start their shifts, and they found jac unloading a truck. What did surprise them was the fact that Danny was seated in the backroom watching a Scooby Doo marathon.

"Jac, what are you doing?" Hunter asked her, walking over and taking the box from her. "I'm pretty sure that the Assistant Manager isn't supposed to be doing this, us stock boys are." He then noticed the crimson colored shirt she was wearing, which looked way too big to be hers. "Is that my shirt?"

"I'm unloading the truck. Yes, you are, and yes, yes it is," jac said, grabbing another box as Dustin and Blake climbed in to start unloading. By now, her cast had a ton of signatures and messages written on it; the Rangers themselves had signed it, a few of the older Rangers had signed it, and even Danny had scribbled his name under his father's. Aisha and Rocky both signed it when jac went to visit them and to see her newest niece, who Aisha and Rocky had named Grace. Kelly had also signed it, but it was Hunter's message that jac liked the best.

Get better soon, Babe! -Hunter

"Yeah, but why? I mean, your arm is broken," Blake pointed out, coming out of the truck with two boxes stacked on-top of each other in his arms.

Dustin came out behind him, chuckling. "Bro, the longer you know jac, the more you learn that she is crazy; a broken arm might keep her from Moto and Ranger stuff, but not from stuff like this. She once did a whole Freestyle competition with a sprained ankle," he said before walking into the store to set down his own two boxes.

Blake looked at jac, almost like he was analyzing her. Then he thought of all the stuff she's done since he met her, and shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat, I guess," he said.

Jac chuckled and carried in her box before going to the backroom. "How ya doing, squirt?" she asked her nephew, leaning over the back of the couch to ruffle his hair. Shane and Tori had joined him, and the little boy was sitting on Shane's lap. "Is he causing you two trouble? I can take him home if he is," she told her friends.

Shane shook his head, smiling good-naturally. "Nah, he's fine; what's he doing here, anyway? You babysitting?" he asked.

Jac nodded, "Trini's been getting sick lately, so Jason took her to the doctor," she stood up, stretching her arms over her head. "Poor Jase has a lot of stress on him; first he had to look for a replacement for me, now that's in overdrive because of my arm, and now is wife is getting sick. He's lucky that he has me to look after Danny, and Adam to help find someone to take Rocky's shifts for me, or he probably would have snapped a long time ago," she noted, pulling a bandanna that she kept in her back pocket and tying it around her hair.

"Hey, at least he has people to help him out; is Trini alright?" Tori asked; worry flashed in her blue-gray eyes.

"She's been getting morning sickness; I personally think she's pregnant, but I could be wrong," jac shrugged. "Well, I gotta get back to work," she said, looking at her communicator that now rested on her right wrist next to her morpher. It felt weird having the device that she'd had on her left arm sense she was seven on her right arm, and it felt even weirder having two objects on her right arm when she was used to having them on her left, but she knew she'd grow used to it. Eventually. But for now, she'd just have to deal with it.

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