chapter seven:boxing bopp a roo

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Chapter 7: Boxing Bopp A Roo

Storm Chargers

It was a very  beautiful sunny day in Blue Bay Harbor. Kelly, Dustin, Blake, and jac were all at Storm Chargers, although jac held her three-year-old nephew Danny in her arms. Dustin and Blake were putting up a banner for Kelly that Jac had drawn. "Great job with the banner, Jac," Kelly praised, smiling as she stood next to her.

"Thanks Kelly took me forever sense someone didn't want to take his nap," she said, looking at her nephew with a pointed look on her face and putting emphasis on the word someone. Danny only laughed at his aunt.

Kelly laughed as well and stepped forward to the map that was underneath the banner. "Guys, check out this course. We start at the skate park," she pointed to the spot on the map. "Then there's a run to the motocross track," she traced along the line to the track. "And then an urban climb to the finish." She finished before turning to face Dustin, who was now standing next to Jac. "You entering this year, Dustin?"

Dustin shook his head, holding up his hands. "No, I'm never getting on a skateboard again; I still have bruises from last year."

Kelly turned to jac. "What about you? You gotta defend your title,"

Jac shook her head as well. "Nah, I'm not entering. If I win, than it'll give Roger Hannah another chance to try and recruit me, and I want nothing to do with him or Factory Blue," jac stated. "Plus, I promised Jason and Trini that I'd watch Danny today, as it's their anniversary."

"Hey," Shane's voice said from behind them, cutting off whatever Blake was about to say. He walked forward, Hunter with him. "You got an entry form for my kickflip challenged friend here?" he pointed to Hunter.

Jac had handed the blond a form. "Individual or you two doing this as a team?" she asked questionly looking at hunter.

Me and him?" Hunter asked looking at jac, laughing at her question. "Together?"

"You gotta better chance at seeing me on blade skates." Shane folded his arms over his chest.

"I thought they were called roller blades?" jac commented, tipping her head to the side.

"Smartass!" Shane exclaimed, making Andy laugh.

"Yep, and you know it!" she said. Then she looked down at her nephew. "Don't ever say that word." She told him. Danny tipped his head to the side, a confused look on his face, but then he laughed.

"Well, you're the second to sign up, Hunter," Kelly said after shaking her head.

"Yeah, who's first?" the blond questioned.

Shane smirked wiping off invisible dirt, "You're toast, dirt boy," he turned and started to leave the store.

Hey, wait!" Hunter jogged to catch up to Shane, who had stopped. "You hear that? It's the sound of your hopes and dreams crashing down around you." Hunter left.

Shane laughed a mocking tone to his voice, and left as well, following Hunter. Tori and jac exchanged amused looks.

"And here we find the alpha males in their natural habitat." jac said jokingly.

Dustin, Tori, Kelly, and Blake all nodded in agreement to jac.

Skate Park

As jac and Blake watched as Hunter attempted to skateboard, jac trying to teach him while Dustin tried to teach Shane motocross. Shane had asked jac to teach him, but she had already told Hunter she'd help him. The Crimson Ranger stood on the top of a ramp, a board under his feet and pads on his elbows, knees, and wrists. He clipped on his helmet and rolled the board down the ramp, losing his balance and crashing to the ground. Jac, who held Danny in her arms, and Blake winced.

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