chapter eight: the arctic wolf zord

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Chapter 8: The Arctic Wolf Zord

An:// this is an extra chapter hope you like it

Storm Chargers

It was a beautiful day in Blue Bay Harbor; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the kids were outside. On this particular day, only a few days after the victory over the Kangaroo monster, jac walked into the store. She glanced over her shoulder as she walked in; the all-too familiar feeling of 'something-is-going-to-happen-today' washed over her, although she had no idea what was going to happen. She shook her head and pushed open the door to walk into the sports store. Everyone else was already there; Dustin was helping a customer, Hunter was restocking shelves, Blake was sweeping the floor, and the Shane and Tori were in the backroom with Kelly.

Blake, who was slowly making his way towards the door with his sweeping, looked up when he heard the door open. He frowned when he saw jac; she looked tired, and her long hair was pulled back into a messy bun. The shirt she wore was black and way too big for her. The words 'Blue Bay Harbor Police Department' were printed right above her left breast in white print, and the same five words were enlarged on the back. She also wore jeans, and her morpher, as usual, was on her left wrist, right next to her communicator. Blake stopped sweeping and leaned against the broom stick handle.

"Morning, jac; you okay?" he asked, a little worried for the girl he now considered a sister.

"Hm?" jac looked up, noticing for the first time that Blake was leaning on a broom and looking at her. "Oh, hey Blake," she made her way over to him. "Yeah, I'm fine; just tired."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You look exhausted, and that shirt looks too big to be yours," he said.

"This is Jason's shirt, and Danny's sick; Jase is at a stakeout, and I was helping Trini last night. Didn't get much sleep." She explained. It was true, and she had the bags under her eyes to prove it. Danny had thrown up on her shirt that morning, and the shirt she wore now was the first one she'd grabbed in the Laundry Room. "But I feel like something's gonna happen today," she added to the end.

Blake furrowed his eyebrows. "That's strange." Almost right on cue, jac's morpher went off. Blake looked around and nodded when he saw that the coast was clear. Jac nodded back and brought her morpher up to her mouth.

"Go for jac," she said as Hunter, who'd heard the morpher go off, came over. "Blake and Hunter are here too," she added. Hunter put his arm around jac's shoulders.

"Jac, can you come to Ops? Now?" Cam asked instantly.

She shared a confused look with the Thunder brothers and replied, "Um, yeah, sure. I'll tell the others," she said.

"This is a solo mission, Jacqueline," Sensei said through the connection.

Jac shared another glance with Hunter and Blake. Hunter just looked at her, and Blake shrugged. "Alright, I'm on my way," she said before dropping her arm. "Blake, tell the others that I'll be back later," she told the Navy Ranger. Blake nodded and went to tell them. Then she turned to Hunter. "What do you think that was about?" she asked the Crimson Ranger.

"I don't know, but you better get going before Cam and Sensei gets annoyed with you." Hunter said. "Good luck," he said.

Jac nodded. "Okay. See you later, Hunter." She pecked his cheek and left.

Ninja Ops.

"Okay, I'm here, what's so important that it's a solo mission?" jac asked as she walked into Ops.

Cam turned in his chair in front of his computer. On the screen was a picture of the jac's zord that she still needed to go get. "I think I've figured it out!"

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