||Chapter 1|| Y/N

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Before reading this I'll give you some warnings:
- I was freaking sixteen when I wrote this so yes it'll be freaking cringe.
- there is only a bit of sexual encounters
- a lot of misspellings, vocab not the best!
- & everything on here is fictional! nothing is real (well yes some) but I tend to make everything fictional.

Now that you went through that enjoy!

Walking to school was my favorite part of the day, I get to listen to my music and be in my own little world.

"[Y/N]!" Said Jenni.

"Hey! Why are you walking to school?"
"My dad said I wouldn't get my car back till I get at least good decent grades"
"Esssh that won't happen unless the world has gone upside dow-" Jenni slaps my arm.
"Oml I'm JK!"
"Yeah whatever, anyways im going to need a walking buddy from now on .. so ?" Jenni looks at me with a worried look like if I'm going to say no. "Yes I'll be your walking buddy till you get your car" I say with a worried look because I like to walk alone to school because it's silent with my music, the sky looks beautiful, enchanting, but I'll love having someone to walk with especially Jenni who is my closest friend since I moved to Seoul.

Seoul high is ok, I moved to Seoul, South Korea from Bronx, New York when I was 15 and now I am currently 17 and a senior and the president of student council, three clubs and program leader. I missed the Bronx a lot! The diversity and the people! I miss my Latino family. My mother is a Journalist, she travels around the world a lot and she decided to station in Seoul because as she pointed "it has beautiful scenery and you'll fall in love instantly and I need a break from my life in New York" she was having a hard time with the divorce and my dad. My dad having to call me every weekend because he can't see me that much because of his bachelorette life in Rio de Janeiro. Portuguese is killing him like Korean is killing me.

School is almost over (thank the lord!) I have been everywhere, club meetings, program meetings in the library and especially making time for Jenni to talk with her and all she does talk about is her love life with Min Yoongi and now part 1,000 of her love life talk; he wants to have sex with her and she isn't ready, I mean I haven't had the time to think about boyfriends and having sexual intercourse with them, "later on" I say when I'm in college...I think.

On my way back to my locker to get my things I hear noises in one of the classrooms which got me to think why were there still students or teachers here  at 8:24 PM ? I'm usually one of the last people to go home; even the janitor leaves before me!
I was hearing moans growing louder and louder. I was probably going nuts. I stepped closer to Ms.Jae's classroom and it was clearly a guys voice and it sounded like he was having some private time with someone.
Curiosity got to me so.... I opened the door and then I saw him.

I saw Seokjin with a girl. As soon as I opened the door the girl screams and runs out the other door.

"Seokjin!" I say surprised.


End of the chapter! I hope you guys are interested in reading more, it is my first story (I know boring probs)
Please keep on reading and I hope you like it at least a bit lol c:

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