Chapter 14

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I woke up with the feeling of someone wrapping their arms tightly around me and nuzzling their head against my chest. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw Jimin glued to me. He had closed eyes so I weren't sure if he was sleeping or not.
I checked the clock which were hanging on the wall and saw it was nine-thirty. I figured we should probably get up soon, so I stroked Jimin's back gently and whispered into his ear. Slowly he blinked his eyes open. They were puffy and his hair were messier than usual but as always he looked good.
It took him a little while to focus on me but when he did, a smile spread on his lips. I smiled back at him and kissed him gently.

"Morning beautiful." I said in a raspy voice.

"Good morning." He said in his usual husk morning voice. I could tell he needed a little more time to wake up, so I pulled him in and let my fingertips stroke his back. Little by little he woke up and pulled away from me. "You know is Christmas morning and I think we should give each other our presents now." Jimin said smiling like a little kid. We had decided to not buy any presents for each other due to the lack of money and instead make something.

"Well I'm not gonna protest." I said and smiled. We both got up and found our presents. "Can I go first?" I asked really excited to get him my present despite not knowing if he would like it

"Sure!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Okay so I'm not sure if you'll like it or not but here." I said and handed him my present. It was a small box and he took it with shining eyes. Slowly he unwrapped it and I bit my lip as the last piece came off and he opened the box. It was one of my USB which I had emptied. He looked slightly confused so I hurried to explain. "I recorded me playing piano, it's some of your favorite pieces. You can put it on your phone and computer." I said and suddenly realized it was a crappy present and looked down.

"Thank you so much babe! I love it. Now I can listen to you play all the time." Jimin said his voice overfilled with excitement. I looked up and he really looked genuinely happy. He kissed my cheek before handing me his present. "I feel like my present is nothing compared to yours." Jimin looked shy but I already knew I was going to love it. It was small and square and very thin. Slowly I opened it and saw it was a picture frame with the word love being in the frame. Inside the frame were pictures of me and Jimin together, smiling happily, hugging and kissing. A quote were in the middle saying; I fall for you every day.
I swear I nearly cried seeing it and I couldn't understand why he thought it was nothing.

"Jimin it's the best present ever." I said and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back, his head resting on my shoulder. I kissed his neck before I pulled away.

"You really like it?" He asked me while I held his hand.

"I love it." I said which made him smile brighter. We put the presents away after that and decided to get dressed and go downstairs.
On the couch Jungkook were wrapped in Taehyung's arms. I quickly looked at Jimin but I only saw a real smile so it seemed he felt better with the two of them being together. We said good morning and placed ourself in the other end of the couch.

"Did you like Jimin's present?" Taehyung asked me while shifting slightly.

"Yeah I absolutely love it." I said and smiled, Jimin kissed me on the cheek.

"Did you give each other presents?" Jimin asked them and they sort of gave each other a look.

"No we weren't sure if the whole long distance thing would work and we weren't sure how you would react so we decided to not give each other anything." Jungkook said and cuddled closer into Taehyung.

"Oh..well I'm fine with you two being together now. I just needed some time." Jimin said and I could tell he felt a little bad for reacting the way he did.

"Thank you Jimin. It really means a lot that you're okay with us." Taehyung said as their mom and dad walked into the room.

"Breakfast is in the kitchen but if you can't wait we can open presents first." Their mom said and sounded much like she was the one who couldn't wait.

"Let's get presents first." Jungkook said and we all got up to sit around the Christmas tree which were in the corner of the room. It was really big and nicely decorated with colored lights.
I sat with my legs spread out so Jimin could sit between them, leaning against me. I held my arms tightly around Jimin's stomach. They began to give each other presents. Jimin and Jungkook got a lot from their grandparents, uncles and aunts. Their parents got from Jungkook and Jimin and each other. Even Taehyung got from his parents and the rest of his family who apparently had send the packages to their house. My family and parents hadn't bothered so I just sat being happy for the others, though I could tell Jimin felt a little weird about it. I assured him it was fine and all I needed was his love, though he didn't buy it completely. At last their was one package under the tree. Their parents smiled at me and handed it to me.

"This is for you." Their mom said with a warm tone and their dad gave a little nod.

"You shouldn't have." I said before I even opened it. Jimin moved so he could look at me, clearly not knowing what was happening.

"It's no problem." Their dad said and made a gesture for me to open it. Slowly I unwrapped it and my jaw nearly fell down when I saw what it was. A black polaroid camera was now in my hand. I knew it was expensive so I held it very carefully.

"I can't possibly take this! It must have cost a lot. I don't even have anything to you guys." I said and slowly put it down.

"Nonsense that dosn't matter. We're happy to give it to you. We can't exchange it so please take it." Their dad said with a friendly smile.

"Jimin mentioned you like taking pictures." His mom added. I was simply speachless. This was the most amazing family ever.

"Thank you so much. I'm very grateful." I said and felt embarrassed as my voice was slightly mushy because I was touched by their action. They told me it was no problem and we all got up to eat breakfast. The mood was light and I had never really felt so comfortable, with this many people where the majority I had only just met a few days ago.
After breakfast we all played a board game which caused us some laughs. When we finished Jimin and I went for a walk. The sun was high up on the sky so the newly falling snow shined. Our hands were intertwined as we walked slowly, not being busy at all.

"It was really nice of your parents to give me this camera." I said looking at it as it was hanging around my neck.

"Yeah I didn't even know they were going to. I'm just glad you got something." Jimin said and squeezed my hands.

"Though I told you, all I need is your love." I said it in an overly cute way to make Jimin smile, which he did. "Wait stop walking." I said as the sun made him look more stunning than I had ever seen him before. I quickly let go off his hand and took a picture on my new camera. I took it as it came out and  started to wave it to make it dry. I held Jimin's hand again and we walked on.

"I love you Yoongi. This is probably one of the best Christmas I've ever had." Jimin said after a while. I stopped up and made him turn so I could look at him.

"I love you too Jimin and I'll be forever grateful that you brought me here. This is the best Christmas ever." I said and he leaned in to kiss me sweetly. We stood there kissing for a while before we remembered we were outside. We grabbed each other's hands again and I looked at the picture. It came out stunning and I quickly put it in my pocket. We finished walking and spend the rest of the day with his family, watching movies, playing games and talking. I took pictures a few times as I never wanted to forget this perfect Christmas I never thought I would experience.

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