Chapter 7

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A perfect month went by and I swear it was just like one of those teenage movies, that seemed to good to be true and made you all excited for college, just to disappoint you, when you finally got there. But here I was living that teenage movie and I had to admit it wasn't half bad.
I had everything pretty much balanced with class and Jimin. In the beginning my grade had started to drop but now I was back on track with them. I still spend as much time with Jimin as possible, now both hanging out at my room with Namjoon there, and hanging out at his room with Taehyung. I got pretty close with Taehyung and considered him a friend, while I'm pretty sure Jimin did the same with Namjoon. Taehyung was gay as well and it didn't take me long to figure out, that he was texting with someone, he surely liked judging by his goofy smile, whenever his phone lighted up with a new text. For exsample like it did right now.
Jimin and I were on Jimin's bed after having finished homework. We had gotten to be more comfortable doing skinship infront of him, so I was lying down with two pillows behind my head, for support. Jimin was lying with his head on my chest near my shoulder and his leg and arm swung over me. We were all just talking but sometimes Taehyung checked out of the conversation to reply to his mysterious whatever they were.
One day I had asked Jimin if Taehyung had a boyfriend and Jimin had been half-joking when he asked, if I was planning to leave him for Taehyung. I had assured him that was not case and kissed him until his frown was a smile. Then he had told me that he was single and why I asked. I explained the situation and since then Jimin had noticed as well. He hadn't said anything as it usually wasn't that bad but today it was every other minute, making it near impossible to hold up a conversation with Taehyung.

"Tae who are you texting?" Jimin finally asked and Taehyung put his phone down, his cheeks turning red, like he was caught in doing something bad.

"No one." He said a bit too fast and harsh.

"Well whoever this no one is, they sure make you smile like it's someone." Jimin said and Taehyung started to stammer up a response, which really wasn't working for him. Jimin started to laugh while I felt sort of sorry for Taehyung. "Tae it's fine. I'm sure you'll tell me whenever you're ready." Taehyung mumbled something niether one of us could quite hear and continued to text. I turned my attention to Jimin who smiled and me. I kissed his forehead, feeling yet again blessed to have him.

"I think it's kinda sweet to have a secret relationship or whatever is going on." I said and Jimin raised an eyebrow at me, with a little smirk.

"Oh like Jin and Namjoon had? You would rather not be able to kiss me in public? Not be able to hold my hand?" Jimin asked and I thought it over, and decided it would be hell, not being able to do any of those things.

"I guess it's not that sweet." I said and smiled at Jimin who planted a kiss on my jawline.

"Yeah I thought you would change your mind about that." Jimin said, he shifted his look to Taehyung who was still texting. "By the way I don't know if I should be hurt or impressed that you didn't tell me about Jin and Namjoon. I mean I was pretty surprised when they came into the cafeteria holding hands. Though I was even more surprised when you weren't surprised at all."

"Babe they asked me not to tell anyone. I was being a considerate friend. Be impressed by my skills to keep a secret and know I keep all your secrets too." I said and Jimin pushed his underlip out, so the cutest pout appeared.

"But you're my boyfriend, there should be no secrets between us." He said and blinked a few extra times, really trying to make me feel guilty.

"You know I have a willpower like nothing else, I can resist your cuteness." I said teasing him and letting my hand go through his blonde hair. He intensified his cuteness and I couldn't help but to laugh slightly. "Damnit you got me. No more secrets between us." I said and pulled him up so I could kiss him. He started to smile into the kiss. It was that kind of kiss, where it wasn't that easy to stop. Not that it was heated, far from it but it was content and loving. His hand was on my cheek and my arms were wrapped around him as he was lying on top of me.

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