Chapter 10

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Some hours later we were lying in my bed. Namjoon was out with Jin. When I had sat back down again after talking to Jimin, I had told them the nature of our conversation and they had said they would be at Jin's room so we could be alone.
So now Jimin was underneath me as we kissed. My tounge was exploring his mouth and my hands were working on his shirt. I let it drop to the floor and kissed my way to his soft spot above his collarbone. Sweet sounds were escaping his lips. I let my lips trail down to his nipple and started to suck on it hard. His sweet sounds formed into my name and I felt something deep inside me react. He asked me to kiss his lips so I went up to them again. He pressed me down harder against him and I felt he was getting excited too. He took my shirt off and let his hands trail down my body. I enjoyed his touch and wondered how far we were going to go. I loved Jimin with all my heart and it wouldn't be my first time to do it. Though I knew it would be Jimin's first.
I let him take the lead and I didn't do more than kiss his lips occasionally kissing down his neck.

"Yoongi I think we should stop." Jimin said his voice out of breath. I pulled away and gave him a little kiss on his nose.

"Alright." I said and we put on our shirts. We cuddled up, his head resting on my chest while I stroked my hand on his back. His hand would sometimes run over my chest.

"Be honest with me it dosn't bother you we don't have sex?" Jimin asked sounding kind of nervous.

"No. I never want to push you to do something you're not comfortable with. If I ever did that, I wouldn't forgive myself." I said speaking truthfully from my heart.

"So you're not dissatisfied with it? You're okay?" Jimin asked and I could tell it really bothered him. It must have been on his mind for awhile.

"Look at me Chimmy, I love you and I will never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable. If you feel like we're taking it too far, tell me and we'll stop. I can wait a hundred years if that's how long it will be before you're ready. It's really no worries." I kept my eyes locked on his as I talked, making sure every word was clear.

"Could you be anymore perfect than this?" Jimin asked and grabbed my hand, so he could leave a kiss on it. I let out a small laugh.

"I'm not sure but I can try." I said and Jimin smiled at me.

"You don't have to try. You are perfect." I could no longer help myself so I pulled Jimin up and kissed him sweetly. He positioned himself on top of me and I enjoyed the closeness I got from that. When we pulled away, he lay down his head so it was resting on my shoulder.

"I love you so much Jimin." I whispered, sort of like I was afraid to ruin the moment.

"I love you too Yoongi." He said and moved so he was resting once more on my chest with his head. "I never want you to leave me." He added. The tone he used I hadn't heard before on him. It was longing and needing, he meant it. He really hoped I would never leave him. It was a big promise but it was a promise I wasn't afraid to make.

"I promise you I will never leave you. As long as you want me I'll be right here." I said and squeezed Jimin in tighter.

"And I'll always want you" Jimin said. My heart fluttered by the moment. I couldn't quite believe I was in this situation. I never thought I would be and I never really thought I would have wanted it. Now that I had it, I never wanted it to end. Jimin was my everything. My whole world and I wouldn't just give that up.
We laid in silence until we remembered, we probably had to do our homework. So we settled on the bed, each concentrating on our homework so we could be done as soon as possible. We shared kisses in between and I felt so comfortable with Jimin next to me, the fight long forgotten.
After an hour or so we had both finished our homework. I had had just a little more so Jimin went out to buy us snacks. When he came back we cuddled up against the wall, feeding each other.

"Hey Yoongs can I ask you something?" Jimin said after he had chewed off a chip I had given him.

"Anything." I said, not wanting to keep anything from him.

"When you get anxiety attacks, what am I suppose to do so you feel better? Is there anything I can do? I just think, that as your boyfriend it would be nice to know as I'm suppose to protect you." Jimin said and I absolutely thought that was the cutest thing he had ever said to me.

"Well if there's a paperback nearby that would be good to give me, so I can breath in it. If not then try to get my attention and make me breath slower. Tell me to repeat the four things that makes me happy inside my head. I think that's it really, it usually does the trick." I said and feeded him another chip, while he thought over my words.

"What are the four things that makes you happy?" Jimin asked and leaned his head slightly to the side.

"Well that would be; you, you, you and you." I said all kinds of cheesy. It made Jimin giggle which lead him to make this sound, that could only be called a squeaky sound.

"Stop! What is it really?" Jimin said and hit me lightly.

"Fine, it used to be piano, music, basketball and taking pictures. Though I meant what I said from now on it will be; Jimin, Jimin, Jimin and Jimin." I said and let my hand caress his cheek. He leaned into it and closed his eyes.

"I really love you, so much." Jimin said when he opened his eyes again. I smiled gently at him and pulled him over on my lap. His thighs next to mine. This way we could look at each other completely and I could let my hand run through his hair, something I absolutely enjoyed to do.

"I love you too Jimin, more than you'll ever know." I said making him lean in and kiss me sweetly. He placed his hands on my neck and I wrapped my arms around his back. His lips moved gently against mine and I liked the fact that this was a calm kiss. It didn't lead to our shirts coming off, instead it felt like it contained pure love. At last Jimin pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm so happy I met you." He whispered in a such a soft voice, I felt like he might break if I touched him too hard.

"I'm so happy I met you too." I whispered back and then we were kissing again. Just as soft and loving as the first time.
We spend most of the day like that, tangled up in some sort of way, whispering sweet things to each other and kissing. The only time we stopped was when we ate dinner and even then we would whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. We went to my room again afterwards, Jin and Namjoon coming with us. Jimin and I tangled up in my bed and Namjoon and Jin, tangled up in Namjoon's. We all talked quietly, each of us kissing our boyfriend sometimes. Then Jimin and Jin left as it was getting late. Namjoon and I talked a little more before turning the light off. I fell asleep with a smile on my lips, feeling warm inside and more loved than I had ever felt before.

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