Chapter 1

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You had looked for anything suspicious online hoping to find a case, only to find some bad omens in a town not far from the motel you had crashed at for the night. It had been a rough night. You had been trying to keep your mind of things by going for a very heavy drinking session at the local bar, to only be dragged into some stupid argument with some random slut who though you were eyeing up her new boy toy. You really weren't looking for a fight but it seems that kind of stuff seems to happen anyway. So she came at you to her surprise you hit her square in the face after all you know how to fight being a hunter and all. The thing that annoys you the most was that you weren't looking at her man and that now your completely banned from the bar so that sucks major balls.

You got your shit together for the hunt ready to let some steam off. Arriving at what seemed to be a run down farm house (which by the way looked like a major cliche horror movie scene). You got out of your car to see some people walk out of the house and slowly edge towards you. None were asking questions they knew exactly who you were, after all you had built a reputation for yourself of a lone hunter who was Winchester level at the job.

You quickly put the radio on and turned the volume as loud as it can could go, ready for an interesting fight. First a couple what seem to be foot soldiers came pelting towards you to only be stabbed by an angel blade you had come across a few years ago. Catching your breath you were picked up and thrown across the yard landing on a pile of ruble. Suddenly there was a screeching of tyres and you saw a black impala pull up at the drive and two men step out. You came to the realisation that there was three large demons running your way. You quickly scramble to your feet and tackled the one closest to you and stabbed him right in the chest to soon see his empty eyes flicker as he wasted away. The largest of the demons was fighting with what seemed to be Sam Winchester and Dean heading your way. Before your got yourself together you heard a loud piercing bang go off. You dropped to the floor. An agonising pain spiked up your leg, you looked down to see the crimson blood pool on the floor beside you. Your vision starts to fade, you felt some arms wrap themselves around you to later be placed into a car.

Your vision was still a little hazy but you were becoming concious. "Hey Sam she's waking up" you heard a husky voice whisper. Your eyes dart to the man next to you holding a bloodied rag to your leg. You squirm being uncomfortable in the presence of other hunters. " Wow calm down we're trying to help you. Err anyways whats your name?" Your eyes focusing relising Dean was talking to you. "Y/n" a raspy whimper came out your mouth. God I sound awful you thought to yourself. "Where are you taking me" you ask concerned. "We are taking you back to our bunker where we stay, you're badly injured we couldn't leave you there. Oh and we're err Sam and Dean Winchester" he said looking at you in the eyes with worry. It was evident that he was concerned about wether you were going to make it or not. "I know who you are, and I also know I'm clearly not going to make it " you state with attitude. "Turn the volume up I like this song" you gesture to the button on the radio. Sam turns to look at Dean briefly with worry.

The car jolts forward and you nearly fly through the windshield. "What the fuck was that for Sammy?!" Dean yells clearly agitated. You groan in pain as you lift  yourself up back into the seat. Looking up you see Sam and Dean staring in shock and anger at the figure standing before the car. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and had shaggy blonde hair not to mention his gorgeous blue eyes staring right at you. A chill ran through your spine as he caught you staring, he smirked then winked causing you to blush.

The car doors slam as the boys jump out ready to fight. As the figure was pre occupied you scrambled out of the car and with all your strength stood up. You slowly pulled  yourself to where the mysterious figure was standing. "Hello gorgeous" he smirked turning to face you. The boys staring at you with worry.

"Do you know who I am?" he mused looking you straight in the eyes as he stepped closer. "It's pretty obvious you don't becasue you would be shaking with fear" he chuckles. "Excuse me, there isn't much that bothers me thank you very much" you state as confidently as you could, still being in agonising pain. The boys stare at you with horror plastered across their faces. You look at them confused to then quickly set your eyes back on the man in front of you. "Aren't you a feisty one, I like that" he smirks once again. "Well I'm the one and only Lucifer and I've come for you " he states. "Y/n get back in the car" Sam shouts.

Hey everyone :) I new to writing fan fictions so if you have any tips please say x I hope you like the story so far I will update regularly. Later on there will be smut or suggestive so if you don't like that don't worry you can skip I will leave a warning at the beginning of the chapter so don't worry xx Also if you have requests like if you want me to write about anything particular please say 😊

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