Chapter 6:Not at fault

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Bakugou woke up to a hard chest and his arms were hugging on to something or more like someone.His eyes groggily opened to be face to face with Kirishima's chest.Blood started to rush up to his cheeks.

The first thought that came to him was to yell like he usually does but since his precious Kirishima was peacefully sleeping, he thought twice so he wouldn't wake him up as he quickly covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.

Bakugou looked up to see the sleeping Kirishima. Bakugou had to admit that he looked cuter while sleeping. And he didn't mind keeping that thought in his head for a while longer.

He gently brushed some of Kirishima's hair to the side to get a better look at his gorgeous face. He couldn't help but genuinely smile at the sight.

That's when his alarm went off from his phone to wake them up. He turned it off. He was hesitant on waking Kirishima up but he was left with no choice.

"Kirishima, wake up."
He softly shook the other male's body.
Kirishima only groaned and groggily opened his eyes. Once he saw Bakugou, his lips stretched to a sleepy smile.

"Morning Katsuki."

Bakugou held back his blush and urge to smile back but he did have a feeling today was going to be a good day.


And how wrong he was. It started off normal. Kirishima and him talked and everyone did the same. The thing was, they were unaware that Mina had another trick up her sleeve.

This resulted with Kirishima fainting, Bakugou chasing after Kaminari ,Mina with a nosebleed and Uraraka and most of the girls cheering.

Kirishima, as usual, was leaning on Bakugou's desk.
Kaminari took the chance to bump his hip with enough force for Kirishima to jerk forward. This lead to Kirishima and Bakugou having an unexpected kiss. Kirishima didn't know what to do in the stitaution(especially with accidentally kissing his crush) and fainted. Bakugou was red up to his ears and chased Kaminari around the classroom with Iida trying to calm down the class.







She ran out of the classroom as Bakugou had a fearful Kaminari backed into a corner.Good thing Aizawa wasn't in class to witness the chaos that was unfolding.

Tape encased Bakugou's waist and wrapped around him like a mummy before he could cause even more chaos.

"That was a close one."
Sero sighed.
"I swear Ashido is something else."

"Indeed.Now everyone calm down before Mr.Aizawa arrives!"
Iida ordered the class. By this time, Bakugou managed to free himself from his tape prison and he was a ticking time bomb of anger.

"Okay cla-"
Aizawa walked in to class to be met with several broken desks and chairs. His students acting like they have seen a ghost and Bakugou(with him face first on the floor) banging his fist on the ground. The last thing he noticed was an unconscious Kirishima on the floor.

"What.The. Hell.Happened."
Everyone shrunk back from how threatening those words sounded.No one dare said a word because they themselves didn't know either. Everything just happened so suddenly.Aizawa sighed in annoyance.


The nervous boy gulped at the sound of his name being called from the annoyed teacher.

"Y-Yes Mr.A-Aizawa?"

"Take Kirishima to Recovery Girl and then head back to class.You all have some explaining to do."
Aizawa crossed his arms.Izuku nodded and carried Kirishima on his back to Recovery Girl's office.

Momo raised her hand.


"Mina ran out of class too. Shall I go find her?"

Aizawa let out another sigh. This was not what he needed from his students.

"Go ahead."


Kirishima's eyes shot open. He groaned and rose from the bed in the nurses office. He touched his head to sooth the newly found headache.

"Oh. You're finally awake."
Kirishima turned his head to the side to see Recovery Girl walking towards him.

"I was told you fainted from an accident in class."
She sighed.
"You kids need to be more careful."

"Sorry Recovery Girl, it won't happen again."
Kirishima rubbed behind his neck in embarrassment.

"Good.Since you look to be fine, you can head back to class now."

"Thank you."


"I can't believe I fainted!How unmanly of me!"
Kirishima whined on his way back to the classroom. Not only did he wake up an hour later but the memories of the accident flashed in his mind. ' We kissed!'
Kirishima could still feel the presence of Bakugou's slightly chapped lips and he would be lying if he didn't like it. Sure it was short but it was still a kiss in Kirishima's eyes. Kirishima was nervous to go back to class. He was afraid of seeing Bakugou again. ' What if he acted that way because he doesn't like me at all.'

The nervousness was eating at Kirishima.


His hand was so close. So very close to the door. He was hesitant to open it. He let his arm drop to his side and sighed. ' Gotta go either way. Not like I can just skip class.'
He thought to himself as he stared at the door.

He took a breath in and quickly open the door with his eyes shut. His ears were met with silence and he could feel...a depressing aura?

His stare was met with his classmates who looked like their souls were sucked out of them. Not to mention, Aizawa was no where to be seen and Present Mic had taken his place in the front of the classroom. Kirishima's mind was growing more and more confused.

"Welcome back from the dead!The class will be writing a five page essay on the rules of being a hero!It has to be done in three days! So get to it!"

It was Kirishima's turn to have his soul taken.

' Crap...Not an essay!'

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