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"Are you ready?" Harry asked. He and Louis were currently stopped at a rest stop about an hour out from Louis' hometown.

"I don't know. I just...I don't want Mum to be disappointed." Louis said. It had only been a few days since everything had come to head and he felt as if he was still yet to fully process everything that had happened since his secret had been exposed.

"Babe, I'm here, I'll help you." Harry reached across the centre console taking hold of Louis' hand, squeezing it tightly, "How are you feeling?"

"Truthfully, kinda sick, but I'll be fine." Louis pulled his hand out of Harry's. "I just need a quick smoke and then we can get to mum's"

"Lou," His mum said excitedly, flinging the door open as the two of them pulled into the driveway.

Louis got out of the car, going up to the door to embrace his mum in a hug, "Mum, how have you been?"

"I've been well," She smiled sadly. "Wish I could say the same for you though."

"Mum, please don't" Louis said, Harry coming to stand beside him.

"Hi, Harry." His mum said, greeting his boyfriend.

Like Louis, Harry hugged her tightly, "Hello, it's been a while."

"It sure has. Let's go inside," She said, turning away from them and disappearing inside the house. Harry and Louis shared a look with one another before following.

The three of them went into the living room, Harry and Louis sitting together on one couch while Louis' mum sat on another. The silence in the room felt intimidating, "I'm sorry." Louis blurted out.

"Honey, you've nothing to be sorry for. You're sick." His mum said.

Louis met his mother's eyes, "You're not disappointed? You don't hate me?"

His mum felt shocked, the man sat in front of her may have looked like her son but he seemed to timid and fragile to be her Louis. "I could never hate you, Lou, you're my son. Why would you think such a thing?"

Louis shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe because I'm practically twenty and I like to shove my fingers down my throat." He said bluntly.

"Lou!" Harry scolded. He was not going to pretend to understand what Louis was going through, but he also did not approve of the tone of voice that he was currently using with his own mother.

His mum appeared un-fazed. "Lou, we always knew that relapse was a possibility. This illness that you have, it isn't going to go away overnight." She said, moving so that she was crouched down in front of her son, taking both of his hands in hers, "We'll find you a psychiatrist, maybe it's time to consider medication."

Louis nodded, "Can I see Jenny again?" He had felt comfortable with her when he was seventeen.

"We'll have to make some phone calls." His mum said, smiling.

"I don't know about you guys, but, I'm starving." Harry said, his stomach rumbling loudly.

Louis chuckled, "Mum, do you feel up to going out for some lunch?"

"Of-course, just give me a few minutes and we can go." His mum said, going off in the direction of her bedroom to get ready.

A week later had Harry driving while Louis sat in the passenger seat, the two of them heading to an appointment to see Louis's old psychiatrist.

"I can't believe that I'm back here." Louis said, entering the building and taking a seat, Harry sitting beside him and taking hold of his hand.

"Louis Tomlinson!" Jenny called coming out of her small room.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Harry whispered to him.

Louis shook his head, getting up to follow Jenny into the room. She closed the door before taking a seat, "Louis, please don't take this the wrong way, but, I was really hoping I wouldn't see you back here."

"Yeah," Louis said, tapping his fingers against his thigh.

Jenny picked up her notepad and pen, "Why don't you start by telling me what happened?"

"I just ... I fell, I guess." Louis said, "I was having the time of my life with the band, but it seemed that I wasn't all that important to it."

"Okay," Jenny nodded, "What did you do?"

Louis sighed, tapping his foot on the ground, "I thought that if I could change myself then somehow I would be good enough for everyone else."

Jenny watched as Louis started to chew on his thumb nail. "Last time, when you were sixteen, you want to change then too. Has it every occurred to you that maybe you aren't a problem that needs fixing?"

Louis shrugged, "It's not just that, what I do, it makes me feel good about myself. I know it's wrong and really not healthy, but I don't know how to survive not doing it."

"Louis, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me, okay?" Jenny said, leaning forward to that she could give Louis her full undivided attention.

Louis nodded, "I'll try, this ... I find it really hard to talk about this, I find it embarrassing."

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about," Jenny tried to reassure him, "What I want to know is what purging does for you? And when you last did it?"

Louis swallowed feeling like he was going to be sick. "I haven't done it for a couple of weeks, not since Harry found out." He paused to take a deep breath inwards, "When I do it I feel free, like there is nothing in the world that matters."

"I can understand that." Jenny said, "What about Harry? What can you tell me about him?"

"At first liking Harry was weird and scary. I obsessed over my feelings for him a lot; I almost slipped up with my eating back then." Louis looked at Jenny, his face lighting up with pure joy, "But I love him so much, he is the best thing, aside from the band, to ever happen to me."

"I'm glad to hear that Louis, he seems to care about you a lot." Jenny said, genuinely pleased for her client.

Louis nodded, "I'm not sure I'd be able to do this without him."

Harry was starting to feel angsty sitting out in the waiting room, he knew that Louis had only been in the room for thirty minutes but it felt like much longer. He closed his eyes and lent back waiting for his boyfriend to finish up.

"Thank you," Louis said to Jenny, coming over to Harry.

"What's that?" Harry asked, pointing to a piece of paper in Louis' hand.

"Let's go to the chemist, I'll explain on the way." Louis said helping Harry to his feet.

Harry got into the driver's seat of the car, "So how did it go?"

Louis folded the piece of paper, "It went fine. She wants me to try medication, anti-depressants, says that sometimes the reason people develop eating disorders is because of poor self-esteem and that the medication could help me to see my own worth."

"Yeah?" Harry questioned, feeling unsure. Louis had been silently suffering for so long, could the solution really be that simple?

A/N:- And the story is complete, ( well minus the epilogue) I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading it. Incidentally it is the first piece of chaptered work that I have ever completed.

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