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Hastily standing up, Louis went over to the sink, washing his mouth out and inspecting it closely in the mirror. Being unable to see any obvious source of the blood, he allowed himself to relax, just slightly.

When Harry returned later in the night, Louis was already in bed - despite the hour still being relatively early. Getting into bed beside him, and covering them both with the blanket, Harry wondered when exactly Louis had started to look so small and fragile, or, was that just the way he looked in his sleep?

Not yet feeling tired; Harry started to scroll through twitter on his phone. His heart started to pound as he came across a reoccurring hashtag, #PrayForLouisTomlinson. Looking across at his sleeping boyfriend, Harry clicked the tag and begun to read the messages, which seemed to mostly be the fan's latest observations of Louis: 'Louis looked so sick and skinny up on stage tonight! #1DConcert #Concerned #PrayForLouisTomlinson'

'I hope Louis spends some time caring and looking after himself before the next tour. Recently he has been looking so sick and tired. #WeLoveYouLou #PrayForLouisTomlinson'

'Is Louis Tomlinson on drugs? I hope not! He doesn't look well. #StayStrong #PrayForLouisTomlinson' 

Continuing to read the tweets, and even looking at some of the pictures that the fans has posted - showing Louis looking very withdrawn and just downright ill - Harry was starting to feel like a complete jerk, he was supposed to be Louis' boyfriend, 'How could I have possibly missed something so major?' He asked himself. Yeah sure, their lives were busy, but to miss something as significant as Louis wasting away in front of him? And if he had missed it, what about the others?

Harry went to his messages, deciding to inform the other boys of his findings: / Check this out. We need to talk, just the four of us, in the morning. H. / He hit send, adding the link to the tag into the message.

Niall was the first to respond: / Shit, see you in the morning. /

/ No wonder he has seemed so distant. What are we going to do? / Liam responded next.

/ I don't know, Li. / Harry sent back, as his phone vibrated, a message from Zayn coming through: / I'm so sorry Hazza; I had no idea, see you in the morning. /

Now being equipped with the knowledge that it seemed his band mate, best friend, and boyfriend was starving himself, Harry put his phone away. Pulling his boy close to him, only now did he notice the prominence of his ribs and hips underneath his hands.

Come morning, Harry was thankfully the first to wake. Reaching across the bed for Louis, he hugged him tight, needing reassurance that he was still physically present; his sleep had been full of dreams - dreams about Louis floating away, only for his bones to then rain down upon him.

Feeling satisfied that Louis was okay, for the moment anyway, Harry got out of bed. Getting himself ready he exited the house, waiting out front for the boys to arrive. Liam and Niall were the first to arrive, followed by Zayn. "You okay?" Liam asked, as he exited the car, embracing Harry in a warm and heartfelt hug.

"I will be," Harry stood motionless, accepting the offered comfort, "let's just worry about Louis for now."

"Sure mate." Niall met Harry's eyes. "What are we going to do?"

Harry looked around at his three closest friends, "Well, first things first, we can't talk about this here."

Zayn came to stand next to him, clapping him on the back, "I know where we can go."

Perfection IS Skinny!! {L.T} [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now