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// Sorry this chapter is kinda repetitive, but it was necessary in trying to set up how I imagined someone would actually be feeling if they were to find themselves in this sort of situation.  //

"Come on, I'll drive you home." Simon said, Louis being in no fit state to drive.

"I'm sorry." Louis again apologised as he got into the passenger side of his own car, handing the keys over to the older man.

"No, Louis. I should be the one apologising." Simon started the engine of the car, putting it into reverse. "I should have noticed that you were struggling, but I didn't. You're very lucky to have the boys; they all truly love and care for you." He said, as they drove towards Louis' place.

"What's going to happen now?" Louis asked nervously. "...like with the boys, and the band? What about Harry? ... What if he doesn't want me anymore?" He could feel his breathing quickening and he felt like he wanted to run. Just start running and never stop, flee from the monumental mess he had created for himself.

"Louis, you need to calm down." Simon said, pulling into the driveway of his house. "Come on, let's go talk with the boys, decide on a plan. You can't keep going like this, son." He patted Louis' knee reassuringly before exiting the car and going to knock on the front door.

Looking around Louis could see Zayn, Liam, and Niall's cars. True to Harry's word they had all come over to be there for him after his meeting with Simon.

"Lou, Baby, come on." Harry said, opening the door to the car. Effectively startling Louis out of his own troubled thoughts, "It's okay, babe. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise." He said, helping the older boy to stand up before he pulled him into an affectionate hug.

"Y-you... Do-do you st-still love me?" Louis asked, stuttering. His heart was pounding inside of his chest, and he felt like there wasn't a damn thing that he could do to stop it.

"Yes! Of-course I do." Harry kissed him on the lips. Pulling back he lovingly wiped away a tear from his boyfriends face. "Come on, let's go inside." He grabbed Louis' hand to lead him inside as he nodded.

As he entered the house he could feel that all eyes were on him. Going to take a seat on the couch in the living room, Harry sat beside him squeezing his hand reassuringly. "I'm sorry," Louis mumbled, breaking what felt like an uncomfortable silence.

"No, Lou, we're the ones that are sorry." Zayn said, "We should have paid more attention, we should have realised sooner."

"You couldn't have," Louis said softly, "I didn't want you to know. I didn't want anyone to know." He felt as if he was about to burst into tears yet again. He pulled his lighter out of his pocket, absently flicking it while he avoided making eyes contact with anyone.

"Lou, we want to help. Just let us,...please." Liam said, walking across to him and taking the lighter from him, "we all care about you. So much... we need you."

Simon came to sit on Louis' other side, again placing his hand onto the boy's knee. "I best be heading off," He smiled, "But I'm going to give your mum a call, and I strongly suggest you do the same. Also I think it wouldn't hurt for you to go stay with your mum for a little while."

Louis looked up, staring intently at Simon's retreating back. For some reason the loss of the older man's presence made the tension in the room feel thicker. Again he felt his heart rate quicken.

"Babe, calm down." Harry urgently whispered into his ear, "We're just going to talk, okay. Nothing to worry about,"

Louis nodded, but for the life of him he could not seem to sit still. "What do you want to know?" He asked, finally making eye contact with each of the four remaining boys.

"Why, Lou?" Liam asked, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Louis shrugged, "The fans don't love me the same way they love all of you guys."

Zayn was overcome with a strong urge to slap his best-friend silly, "You're an idiot! Of-course they love you. Don't you see their current concern for you all over twitter?"

"Yeah, baby, if not for the fan's love for you we would still be in the dark about all this." Harry added.

"I didn't know." Louis said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Well, now you do," Harry rubbed at his thigh, "Lou, we all want to help. How can we help?"

"I should probably call me mum; let her know that I'll be coming home for a bit." Louis said. He really just wanted his friends' to stop seeming so guilty, "You guys can go home."

"Is that what you want?" Niall asked, "For us to go?"

"Why would you want to stay? Why would you want to be friends with a loser like me?" Louis asked, his voice cracking as he again found himself on the verge of tears.

"Of-course we want to stay." Liam said. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from one of his best friends. "You mean the world to us, we just want to see you happy and healthy."

"Yeah, bro," Zayn moved so that he could sit beside Louis, "and just between us, you're my favourite. What am I supposed to do without my fellow troublemaker?" He asked, making three of the four boys laugh.

"I don't know. I just... I hate myself." Louis mumbled, " I want to be somebody else."

"Well we don't hate you, and we love who you are." Liam said, "Even if you can be a pain in the arse sometimes." He teased, earning a small chuckle from the boy in question.

"Baby, I love you. All of you." Harry said, kissing him. "Right now I feel as if there isn't enough of you to love."

"What made you do this to yourself the first time?" Niall asked, voicing the question that they all wanted an answer to.

Louis stood up, he didn't understand it but suddenly he was feeling incredibly angry. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT! NONE OF YOU DO!" He screeched, pacing the floor.

Harry walked over to the irate boy, grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him to look at him, "Then help us to! We all love you, we want to see you the way you used to be." He said softly, bringing Louis into his chest.

"I don't deserve your love; I don't deserve any of you." Louis sobbed, "You'd all be better off without me."

"No, never." Harry kissed him again. Liam, Niall and Zayn standing up to squish Louis in the middle of a group hug.

"Louis, we need you to get yourself well." Liam patted him on the back, " I gotta go now, but we'll talk soon."

"We'll go now as well." Niall said, digging in his pocket for his car keys.

"Yeah, I'm sure you and Harry want to be alone for a bit." Zayn added, "Call any of us if you need anything."

Louis nodded as the three of them left, leaving him alone with his boyfriend. "I should probably call me mum." He said, hinting that Harry needed to loosen his embrace.

"Of-course, let her know that I'm coming too." Harry smiled, kissing him one last time before letting him go.

"Really?" Louis asked, unable to hide his own smile. Harry was not deserting him.

"Yes, really Lou," Harry chuckled. When was Louis going to learn that he was in it for the long haul, "I love you."

Louis nodded, going outside to light a cigarette and call his mum. He just hoped that she would not blame herself for his relapse. 

A/N:- Again I'm sorry this took so long, I'm such a slack writer.

I have one more chapter and then the epilogue and this story is complete.

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