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// Louis actually purges in this chapter (twice), this is the last time I will warn of purging, as from here on out it will be a big part of the story, and I figure if you have read up to this point, than its safe to consider yourselves warned!!!

Again, I have no real informed idea of how bulimia starts, or progresses, and I apologize profusely if anybody finds this offence. //

Louis had scrolled through his phone, researching how throwing up could contribute and help with weight loss until Harry had entered the room, and crawled into bed beside him. And as he had drifted off to sleep, he had come up with a new plan, and this time it was going to work, he was determined to actually like himself, and become somebody that he could again stand to look at in the mirror, and maybe then others would like him as well.

"You feeling any better today?" Zayn asked, across the breakfast table as the band ate breakfast before heading out for a morning interview.

"Yeah, Thanks." Louis smiled, devouring two pieces of toast. They felt heavy in his stomach, but after the previous night he felt as if he needed to make a show of being fine, and besides, he now knew of a way to free himself of that yucky heavy feeling that eating so often caused him

"Good 'cause we have a big day. An interview and then a concert." Liam spoke up, always being the one to know the day's agenda. Louis had totally blanked about the interview, checking the time on his phone he saw that they really needed to get going, like now! Apparently for his first attempt at purging, [as he had found out it was called in his reading the night before], Louis would be locking himself in a semi-public bathroom at the studio, where the interview was being held.

The boys soon piled into the van that was going to be taking them to the interview, Harry making a point to sit next to him, taking hold of his hand. "I'm glad that you're feeling better baby. I was getting worried." Harry smiled, before leaning across and kissing him.

Zayn looked at them, mimicking a vomiting action, "Get a room you two." He playfully scolded the loved up couple.

'Yeah that,' Louis thought to himself, wishing that they could just hurry up and get to the location already.

"Hey Harry," Louis said, detaching himself from his boyfriend, "I'm just going to go to the bathroom." Harry nodded, smiling as Louis went off in the opposite direction to the rest of the band.

As he finally located a bathroom, Louis entered, going over to the sink he gulped down a few mouthfuls of water, [another thing that he had read online, was that water was supposed to help with the whole vomiting process], sheepishly looking around Louis made sure that he was alone before locking the bathroom door. Dropping down in front of the toilet, he looked at his fingers, feeling himself tremor slightly. Louis was scared, and he had no clue about what he was attempting to do. Inhaling deeply, he placed his middle and index finger into his mouth, pulling them out as he felt himself subtly gag.

Louis again looked around the secluded bathroom, absently wiping his saliva covered fingers on his shirt. Again placing his fingers into his mouth, he kept them in place as he gagged, pitching forward over the bowl, only removing them when he felt himself start to choke. Leaning over the toilet, he spat out a thick wad of saliva, followed by a mouthful of foul tasting liquid that came up as he burped. Spitting out the liquid, Louis felt his stomach contract harshly as he involuntarily gagged again, bringing up more liquid, his heart pounding in his chest and ears.

Gaining his composure, Louis stood up, returning to the sink he attempted to wash the lingering taste from his mouth. 'I should have brought gum with me.' He thought, being unsuccessful in his attempts to rid himself of the vomit taste.

Perfection IS Skinny!! {L.T} [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now