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// ... Louis binges in this chapter, again I mean no disrespect by the way that I have represented this in the story ...

And please, if you have a chance, (any chance at all) of finding yourself triggered, then either don't read, or read on with caution. //

Harry stayed sitting in the passenger seat of the car, watching Louis as he sat on the bonnet, absently staring out across the lookout. He sighed as he watched his boyfriend finish one cigarette, and then promptly light another. When it came to smoking within the band Zayn had always smoked, for as long as One Direction had existed, and that was something that Harry just accepted, but Louis? Harry still could not understand his reasons for it, and it seemed to be something that the couple would tiff about often.

Getting out of the car, Harry took a seat beside Louis on the bonnet, reaching across and taking hold of his hand. Louis exhaled a lung full of smoke, resulting in Harry coughing exaggeratedly as it wafted past him. "Sorry," Louis mumbled quietly, stubbing his smoke out, and flicking the butt away. "I know that you don't like it."

Harry rubbed his thumb over Louis' hand, "Lou, I know that you aren't okay."

Louis once again had set his gaze, so that he was looking out at the lights of the city below them, "I'm fine. Really!" He said, all the while itching for another smoke.

"No." Harry let go of Louis' hand, instead placing his hand onto his cheek, and forcing his boyfriend to look at him, "You're really not. Where did you go Lou? Please talk to me."

Louis sighed, pulling away from Harry. Standing up he walked across to the railing, as he leant on it he felt tears start to well up in his eyes. He had not gone anywhere. He was still Louis William Tomlinson, he was still fat, and he still could not sing.

Louis jumped slightly as Harry approached him, coming to stand beside him. Wrapping one of his arms around his back, he pulled him in close to his side, "It's okay Lou. I'm here, I'll wait." He said, kissing Louis on the head.

'Will you?' Louis thought to himself, wondering if he was really worth staying for.

The couple continued to look out across the view, falling into a comfortable silence. Harry really just wanted his boyfriend to know his own worth, and to maybe talk to him and let him in on whatever it was that could possibly be bothering him so much.

Louis was the first to break the silence, "We had better be going." He announced, pushing off the railing and returning to the car.

"Yeah," Harry agreed quietly, as he followed behind, and wordlessly buckled himself up. 'How did this night change so quickly?' He asked himself, as they drove towards home.

As Louis pulled the car to a stop in the driveway, Harry smiled. Maybe, just maybe the night could go full circle and become good again. "Louis," He purred seductively, "What do you say we go have a shower together?"

In truth, Louis would have loved nothing more than to shower with Harry, but he just was not in the mood. And what exactly he was in the mood for? Well that he did not know.

Harry sighed, waving his hand in front of Louis' face when entirely too much time had passed with no answer, "What's wrong?" He asked for the second time in as many hours. "Please Lou, I'm worried."

Louis felt a certain detachment about himself as he finally spoke, "Harry...Love, nothing is wrong. I promise." He flashed a smile, he himself wondering about the sincerity of it.

Not believing his words for a single second, Harry exited the car. Leaving the door open he turned around, placing one hand on the top of the roof and leaning back into the car, "If you want to break up? Here." He said. Pulling his phone from his pocket as he closed the door, and disappeared down the street.

Perfection IS Skinny!! {L.T} [Larry Stylinson]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang