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// TRIGGER WARNING: - This chapter has Louis deciding that he is going to purge,(not directly) and his eating disorder is going to slip into the beginnings of bulimia.

Again, I do not wish to make fun of the seriousness of eating disorders, and, I sincerely apologise if anybody feels offended, (or triggered) by how I have represented having an eating disorder in this story. //

Louis had managed to get through the rest of the day without eating, his excuse of not feeling well, holding up. He had even managed to use it the next day at breakfast, though he had not managed to completely get away with it.

"Louis, how are you feeling today?" Liam asked, at breakfast the next day. Somewhere along the way Liam had become the one who worried the most about everybody else.

"Yeah Lou, feeling any better today?" Zayn asked, as he dragged his tired body to the table, taking a seat next to Louis, while Harry sat on his other side.

"My stomach still feels upset," Louis answered; it wasn't even a complete lie. After going a whole day without eating, he was starting to feel the nausea that would often set in after long periods with no food.

Niall walked up to the table handing him some buttered toast, "Here, maybe some toast will help." Niall said, as Louis reluctantly accepted the offered food.

Louis bit into the toast, refraining from spitting it out; there was nothing wrong with it exactly. But to Louis, chewing the bread, it felt hard and gritty on his tongue. Chewing slowly and meticulously, he forced himself to swallow finishing one piece of the toast before pushing the plate away. Sitting back in his chair, Louis felt as if something that weighed a ton had taken up residence inside of him.

"Feeling any better boo?" Harry asked, as everyone else finished off their breakfast. Louis just nodded, excusing himself from the table and going back to his room, and starting to do some push-ups. The only thing he could think about was losing weight; he needed to get skinnier, especially if he wanted the fans to love him!

By dinner time, Louis again found himself having to come up with a reason not to eat. Luckily he had managed to skip lunch, as all the boys had been preoccupied and busy with some interviews.

"Lou, you hungry?" Niall asked, coming to retrieve him from the couch, as all the boys were preparing to go at get some dinner at the hotel restaurant.

"I'm tired," Louis moaned, he did not much feel like going to the restaurant with the other boys. Louis really did not want to eat; the slice of toast he had consumed at breakfast had been bad enough. He had done thirty minutes worth of push-ups and yet, he was still feeling guilty about having eaten.

"Come on, Lou, you have barely eaten all day." Niall tried to reason with him, not even mentioning the previous day. "At least come down and sit with us, yeah?" Louis quickly conceded, pulling himself up off the couch he was currently slumped down on, and following Niall down to the restaurant, where the other boys were already waiting for them to arrive.

"Here babe," Harry said, pushing a plate of rissoles, chips and veggies across the table to him. Louis silently picked up his utensils, using them to play with his food, only occasionally bringing the food up to his mouth. "You alright Babe?" Harry asked, finding how quiet his boyfriend was being rather odd. Louis being loud, and just generally so Louis, was one of the reasons that Harry loved him so much.

"Yeah. I'm just tired, Harry." Louis said, feigning a yawn as to emphasize his point. Once Harry finished up his meal, the pair excused themselves, heading up to their shared hotel room together.

Perfection IS Skinny!! {L.T} [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now